7 Vegan German Recipes to Celebrate Oktoberfest (2024)

Updated October 4, 2019. The tradition of Oktoberfest began with a wedding in 1810. On October 12 of that year, German Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Teresa of Sassonia-Hildburghausen, and the entire city of Munich was invited to the post-wedding celebration. Over 200 years later, the festival is still going. It starts in September and finishes on the first Sunday of October.

If you’re in Munich, you don’t need to worry so much about hidden animal products in your beer. Most German brewers adhere to purity laws, meaning only hops, barley, water, and yeast can be used in the brewing process. Finding vegan food is a little more tricky — traditional Bavarian cuisine is extremely meaty — but it’s not impossible. Some of the beer tents offer options, so check the menu in each before you decide where to set up camp for your drinking session. Whichever tent you choose, there are guaranteed to be pretzels in abundance, and veggie burgers and fries can also be found in food stalls on site.

If you didn’t make it to Munich, you don’t need to miss out. Nowadays, nations around the world also raise a glass mug of German beer and nosh on giant soft pretzels and vegan currywurst. In London, Vegtoberfest is taking place this month. The Camden event is a totally vegan version of Oktoberfest, with plant-based bratwurst and other vegan versions of traditional Bavarian fare on offer.

Or, why not host your own Oktoberfest? Greet your guests with a vegan beer and a spread of these seven German-inspired recipes. Lederhosen optional.

7 Vegan German Recipes to Celebrate Oktoberfest

7 Vegan German Recipes to Celebrate Oktoberfest (1)

1. Vegan Soft Baked Pretzels

Become a master pretzel twister! Giant soft pretzels are non-negotiable for a proper Oktoberfest celebration. Despite its twisty appearance, the ingredients are quite simple, and with a bit of patience, you’ll find pretzels are actually easy and fun to make.

If you don’t have time to allow your dough to rise, try Hot For Foods soft pretzel bites. She uses store-bought pizza dough and creates little pretzel rounds, so you don’t have to worry about twisting the dough into the classic pretzel shape. Whichever method you choose, be sure to serve your pretzels hot, with plenty of coarse sea salt, and have mustard (and beer cheese) on hand for dipping.

Get the recipe here.

7 Vegan German Recipes to Celebrate Oktoberfest (2)

2. Chocolate Stout Cake With Whiskey Ganache

For those who don’t drink, you can still partake in the obligatory Oktoberfest beer consumption by eating your alcohol. This recipe uses an Irish beer, but we’re going for more of a nod to tradition, not complete authenticity. Feel free to sub in your favorite German beer, but make sure it’s a vegan stout or dark beer; it really helps to bring out the chocolate flavor. The whiskeyganache is equally decadent and divine!

Get the recipe here.

7 Vegan German Recipes to Celebrate Oktoberfest (3)

3. Sauerkraut

Not going to sugar coat this; homemade fermented sauerkraut takes some dedication and major patience. Start now so the kraut will be ready by the time you host your get together. The beauty is that you can get creative with your kraut; it doesn’t have to be just cabbage. You can also mix up the spices and find your perfect spicy to sour ratio. Learn from this step-by-step sauerkrauttutorial, and who knows, you might just find that fermentation is your new favorite hobby.

Get the recipe here.

7 Vegan German Recipes to Celebrate Oktoberfest (4)

4. Grilled Plant-Based Beer Sausages

This recipe takes a few store-bought staples and transforms them into an Oktoberfest savory main dish. Buy a pack of your favorite vegan sausages, marinate in a German lager, then add some sauteed veggies and optional vegan cheese to a toasted (pretzel) bun, and you’re good to go! Again, make sure you have some spicy mustard on hand, and perhaps some homemade sauerkraut as well.

Get the recipe here.

7 Vegan German Recipes to Celebrate Oktoberfest (5)

5. Beer Cheese

Not everyone is a fan of mustard, but you need something to dip those giant soft pretzels in. Enter a big, creamy, luxurious bowl of homemade beer cheese. And guess what? This recipe calls for just a cup of lager, so you’ll have leftover beer. You know, in case you get thirsty from that pretzel salt.

Get the recipe here.

6. Vegan Schnitzel

Fried meat may not sound all that appetizing, but the vegan version is definitely worth a try. This traditional German staple is veganized with wheat gluten, then breaded and fried for a crispy, savory, and perfectly textured bite. Slather with beer cheese, sauerkraut, caramelized onions, or mushroom gravy.

Get the recipe here.

7 Vegan German Recipes to Celebrate Oktoberfest (6)

7. German Chocolate Cheesecake

Once again, we’re derailing from authentic and including this as more of a tongue-in-cheek recipe. Despite the name, German chocolate cake was not invented in Germany; it was created in America, named after American pastry chef Samuel German and his baking chocolate bar, known as Baker’s German Sweet Chocolate. Traditional or not, this vegan cheesecake is truly outstanding and should be a part of any celebration. This is not a raw vegan “cheesecake.” It’s like the real deal Cheesecake Factory style slice that feels oh-so-decadent and so incredibly good.

Get the recipe here.

7 Vegan German Recipes to Celebrate Oktoberfest (2024)


Does Oktoberfest have vegan food? ›

Vegetarian and Vegan Dishes

You'll hardly find a vegan offering as big as at the Oktoberfest in restaurants. While some vegetarian dishes like Kaiserschmarrn are staples on any Bavarian menu, vegan dishes have been rather rare, especially in beer tents.

What is the snack food for Oktoberfest? ›

The staples of most of a Bavarian charcuterie board are smoked and cured meats, sausages, cheese, radish, grapes, and onions. Ingredients that are simple but of great quality. The so called "Bayerische Brotzeit" is served with pretzels or bread and washed down with a refreshing mug of Oktoberfest beer.

Where is the largest Oktoberfest outside of Germany? ›

Outside of Germany, the largest Oktoberfest is in Kitchener, Ontario (formerly Berlin) and surrounding cities in Waterloo Region, attracting over 700,000 visitors annually.

What do German vegans eat? ›

Other German Dishes for Vegan Oktoberfest
  • Vegan Beer Cheese Soup in a Pretzel Bowl.
  • Bavarian Potato Salad.
  • Vegan Bread Dumplings with Mushroom Cream Sauce (Vegane Semmelknödel)
  • Vegan Pesto Cheese Spätzle (Vegane Pesto-Käsespätzle)
  • Vegan Bavarian Obazda.
  • Bavarian Radish Salad.
  • Coleslaw (Krautsalat)
Sep 18, 2023

What is the most popular food eaten during Oktoberfest? ›

Brez'n – The number one Oktoberfest food, eating by the gazillions (probably). Nothing goes better with a giant-sized beer than a salty, soft Bavarian pretzel that's also the size of your face. Half Chickens – Hendl – C'mon, over 550,000 people are doing it. You'll see them behind the bars in the beer tents…

What is on a German charcuterie board? ›

German charcuterie is all about hearty, savory flavors. Think bratwurst, liverwurst and black forest ham. This style often uses strong spices like caraway and mustard to give the meat its signature flavor.

What is the most traditional German meal? ›

Sauerbraten is regarded as one Germany's national dishes and there are several regional variations in Franconia, Thuringia, Rhineland, Saarland, Silesia and Swabia. This pot roast takes quite a while to prepare, but the results, often served as Sunday family dinner, are truly worth the work.

What food to bring to an Oktoberfest party? ›

Keep it authentic with themed decorations and authentic German food and beverages: Bavarian cheese, Black Forest Ham, Westphalia bread, Düsseldorf hot mustard, Munich sweet mustard, and Swabian pickles, sauerkraut and red cabbage.

What is an Oktoberfest pretzel? ›

The main thing that sets the pretzels served at Oktoberfest (and throughout Germany) apart from their soft American counterparts is the use of lye to form a dark chewy crust.

What is an Oktoberfest brat? ›

Bratwurst. One of the most famous of German sausages, second only to the Frankfurter Würstchen, the bratwurst is typically made from veal, beef or pork. The recipe for the actual sausage vary from region to region and has to date, over 40 varieties. Cooking method: Listen to them sizzle in a pan or over coals.

What is the best city in Germany for Oktoberfest? ›

The best German city to celebrate Oktoberfest in is of course Munich. The two-and-a-half-week-long annual beer festival that stretches from September into October is the biggest event of its kind in the world. From Brazil to Bangladesh, there are Oktoberfest imitations to be attended all over the world.

What is the best city to celebrate Oktoberfest in Germany? ›

The Oktoberfest in the city of Munich is also called d'Wiesn (from “Theresienwiese”) in Bavarian. Every year the Munich Oktoberfest attracts millions of visitors, including many international tourists, mainly from Italy, the USA, Japan, and Australia. This year the 187th Oktoberfest is celebrated here.

Why is it called Oktoberfest? ›

Oktoberfest, annual festival in Munich, Germany, held over a two-week period and ending on the first Sunday in October. The festival originated on October 12, 1810, in celebration of the marriage of the crown prince of Bavaria, who later became King Louis I, to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen.

Is Oktoberfest beer vegan? ›

Like most beers, the classic Oktoberfest beer from Paulaner Brewery is vegan.

How do you ask for vegan food in German? ›

Making Special Requests in German

(Is the dish gluten-free/free from nuts?) Gibt es etwas Veganes? (Is there a vegan option?)

Are all German beers vegan? ›

British beers are more likely to have been processed with animal products, and to contain additives like lactose. Because German and Belgian beers are governed by strict purity laws and can contain only certain ingredients, they're almost universally vegan.

Is German beer always vegan? ›

Most German beer has been vegan since the 16th century due to the German Beer Purity Law (or the Reinheitsgebot) which limits the ingredients to water, barley, malt, yeast and hops.

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