Cotija Cheese Recipe (2025)

Learn how to make Cotija Cheese at home with this simple tutorial that results in a delicious cheese that can be sliced, crumbled or grated.

Cotija Cheese Recipe (1)

I don’t traditionally get into New Year’s resolutions – but every year, I do make a promise to myself to learn how to do something new.

A few years ago I vouched to learn how to make soap. The next year I wanted to learn how to make cheese (and boy did I get carried away!)

I’m hoping that one day I will learn how to restore a car but I have a feeling that will take a wee bit longer than I think.

Around October/November of 2018, I started making cheese at home. Anyone who makes cheese knows how addicting it can be. Over 33 wheels of cheese later, I’ve learned so much along the way and made some delicious cheese varieties that one can only dream of.

About Cotija Cheese

Cotija is one of my favorite cheese varieties to make and very simple to make at home. Cotija Cheese is a Hispanic-style cheese named after the town of Cotija in the Mexican state of Michoacán. The cheese is a hard and crumbly cheese similar to feta, but if left to age for longer it resembles Pparmesan or Romano.

This cheese (above) was aged for 2 1/2 months – and thus it resembles a grated parmesan more than a hard, crumbly cheese. It’s great when sliced on crackers or when shredded and added to sauces or on top of casseroles.

It’s easily made at home over the course of a lazy afternoon. Follow the instructions/tutorial below to make your own Cotija that you can enjoy at home with your family.


  • 2 gallons raw milk
  • 1/4 tsp Mesophilic culture
  • 1/4 tsp Thermophilic culture
  • 1/2 tsprennetdiluted in 1/4 C. cool water (or 1/4 tspextra strengthrennet)
  • 1.5 tsp (teaspoons) high quality sea salt

**I haven’t ever used pasteurized milk to make cheese. If you should use pasteurized, you will want to add 1/2 tspcalcium chloridein 1/4 C. water before adding the rennet. Stir in well.

Brine Solution

  • 1.5 C sea salt
  • 1 quart warm water

Other items needed:

  • 2-2.5 lb cheese mold
  • optional: cheese press (I love this one) or hand weights that total 20 pounds
  • non-reactive pot that holds 2 gallons or more
  • cheese knife to cut the curd
  • colander or fine mesh strainer
  • 1-2 pieces of cheesecloth

Before you get started, make sure you have ample time at home without interruption. I like to start my cheese recipes early in the morning, that way I’m done by dinner(or at least have it in the press by then).

Cotija Cheese Recipe (2)

Heat the Milk

Before you start, make sure that the pot, spoon, knife, mold and cheesecloth are well sterilized.

Start by pouring your milk into a non-reactive stainless steel pot. Clip your thermometer to the side of the pot, or better yet, invest in a digital thermometer.

With the heat on low,gently bring the milk to a temperature of 100 degrees F.

Cotija Cheese Recipe (3)

Add the Culture

Turn the heat off. Sprinkle your packet of mesophilic culture on the surface of the milk. Then sprinkle your packet of thermophilic culture on the milk. Allow them to remain on the surface for a minute or so. Then stir gently with an up and down motion for 30 seconds.

Place the lid on the pot and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Cotija Cheese Recipe (4)

Stir in the Rennet

After that 30 minutes, remove the lid. If you are using pasteurized milk, add the calcium chloride at this time. Stir in well to distribute evenly.

Then add 1/4 tsp liquid rennet diluted in 1/4 C. cool water (or 1/8 tsp double strength liquid rennet). Stir with an up and down motion for 30 seconds. Stop stirring, and cover the pot again – allow the pot to sit, undisturbed, for 90 minutes. The milk should retain the temperature of around 100 at this time; it’s ok if it drops a degree or two.

Cotija Cheese Recipe (5)

Cut the Curd

After 90 minutes, cut the curd into a checkerboard pattern at 1/2 inch intervals. The curd should give a clean break.

Once you cut the checkerboard, slant your knife diagonally and cut at an angle. Turn the pot 180 degrees and cut diagonally again at an angle.**

I slice the curds with a long knife.Then I go back in with a whisk and stick the whisk in, turn it 360 degrees, and pull it out. I repeat that for the entire pot instead of doing a diagonal cut.

After the curds are cut, allow them to rest for 10 minutes.

Cotija Cheese Recipe (6)

Heat the Curd

Turn the stove on low and stir frequently – you want to heat the curds reach to 105 degrees F over the course of 10-15 minutes.

Stir frequently to keep the curds from matting. As you stir, use the side of your spoon to slice any large curds in half that didn’t get cut evenly with the knife in the last step.

Drain the Whey

After 10 minutes, let the curds fall to the bottom of the pot and allow them to rest another 10 minutes. Then, carefully drain off the whey. To do this, place a cheesecloth over a colander, and the colander over a large clean pot. Slowly pour the curds over the colander, allowing the cheesecloth/colander to catch the curds.

Allow the curds to drain for 10 minutes before adding your salt. Work the salt through the curds thoroughly.

Cotija Cheese Recipe (7)

Mold the Cheese

Once the salt has been added, line your cheese mold with cheesecloth. Make sure there is cheesecloth hanging over the sides of the mold.

Place the cheese mold on the press – without the weight. Carefully transfer the curds from the colander to the mold. Place the follower on top, then add your weights.

  1. Press at 15 lbs of pressure for 30 minutes.
  2. Carefully unwrap the curds, flip over, re-wrap, and press again at 15 pounds of pressure for 12 hours.

Cotija Cheese Recipe (8)

The Final Part

Once the cheese has pressed at 15 lbs for 12 hours, remove from the press. Carefully unwrap the cheesecloth. Prepare the brine solution. Once the brine has come to room temperature, place the cheese in the brine for 24 hours, flipping the cheese at the 12 hour mark.

  • Air dry for six hours on a cheese mat, allowing for proper air circulation around the cheese.
  • Age for 2 weeks at 55 degrees F (13 degrees C) at 80-85% humidity, turning once daily.
  • Keep the brine from the soak to wipe off any mold that might start during that time.
  • After 2 weeks, vac seal the cheese and allow to age for 4 additional weeks.

Cotija Cheese Recipe (9)

The longer you age Cotija cheese, the more it takes on the resemblance of parmesan cheese. If you age it for a shorter period, then it is a very soft, crumbly cheese that’s great on corn on the cob (specifically Mexican street corn!)

Cotija Cheese Recipe (2025)


What are the ingredients in cotija cheese? ›


What can you use cotija cheese for? ›

Cotija cheese is more of an addition to a dish than the main component of a recipe. Use it to add a fresh and creamy layer to enchiladas, a salad, scrambled eggs, guacamole, and soups. Even if a recipe doesn't call for the cheese, add a handful on top as desired.

What is a fun fact about cotija cheese? ›

Fun Fact About Cotija

It's sometimes referred to as the parmesan of Mexico because of its texture and flavor.

What is the flavor of cotija cheese? ›

White in color and firm in texture, its flavor is salty and milky. "Young" (or fresher) cotija cheese has been described as akin to a mild feta, while aged (añejo) cotija is more comparable in flavor to hard, aged cheeses like Parmesan. Cotija softens when exposed to heat, but does not melt.

How is cotija cheese made? ›

Cotija cheese is made by milling the cheese curd into small pieces, mixing it with salt, pressing the cheese for extended time to remove moisture, soaking it in a salt brine for several days, then allowing the cheese to age 2 to 12 months.

Does cotija cheese go bad? ›

When does cotija cheese expire? Packaged cotija cheese typically comes with a 'best by' or 'use by' date printed on its packaging, which is usually about 6 months from its production day given it's still sealed.

How long does cotija last in the fridge? ›

The new Tío Francisco Grated Cotija Cheese is now shelf stable, making it easy to purchase at the store and keep in your shelves until ready to use. Once opened, refrigerate. The opened container stays fresh for 90 days in the refrigerator.

What kind of milk is used for cotija cheese? ›

Cotija is a Mexican cheese named after the town of Cotija in the Mexican state of Michoacán. It is a dry, hard, crumbly Mexican cheese usually made from cow's milk.

What is the most similar cheese to cotija? ›

Feta cheese: Feta has a similar crumbly texture and salty flavor to cotija cheese, making it a good substitute in tacos. Queso fresco: Queso fresco is another Mexican cheese that has a milder flavor and creamier texture than cotija.

What country of origin is cotija? ›

Cotija is a type of Mexican cheese that's named after the town of Cotija in the state of Michoacán, Mexico. It's made from cow's milk and is known for its salty, tangy flavor and crumbly texture.

What kind of cheese do Mexican restaurants use for tacos? ›

Originally Answered: What kind of cheese do Mexican restaurants use in their tacos and burritos? It depends on the restaurant. Authentic Mexican restaurants will likely use only cotija or queso fresco. Americanized Mexican restaurants will list the cheeses they use, often monterey jack or cheddar.

What is the white crumbly Mexican cheese called? ›

Cotija is a type of cheese made from cow's milk named after the town of the same name in Mexico. Cotija is white in color, firm and crumbly – like that of a Parmesan cheese. It has saltiness brought by aging. Traditionally, the aging process of a cotija cheese can last from 3 to 12 months.

What is the closest alternative to cotija cheese? ›

Feta is one of the best possible substitutes for cotija. It's similarly salty, though it has a slightly stronger flavor than cotija tends to, and less of the fresh milk flavor. It's also similarly crumbly, though you'll find that feta doesn't melt as well as cotija.

What's the difference between queso fresco and cotija cheese? ›

Unlike queso fresco with a mild flavor, cotija can add a dash of bold flavor in every dish. ... That is why you mustn't use much of it, so its taste doesn't become overpowering. No. Cotija is slightly spicy and queso fresco is exactly what the name says; Fresh Cheese.

Is cotija cheese dairy? ›

Not just for elote. The generous dusting of Cotija on elote is nearly as important as the corn itself, bringing the sweetness of the kernels and the tang of the sour cream into harmonious balance. Cotija is a Mexican cow's milk cheese named after the town of the same name in the state of Michoacán.

Is cotija cheese made from goat milk? ›

Cotija is a type of cheese made from cow's milk named after the town of the same name in Mexico. Cotija is white in color, firm and crumbly – like that of a Parmesan cheese. It has saltiness brought by aging.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.