Paleo Chicken Pot Pie Recipe - Life Made Full (2024)

The best Paleo Chicken Pot Pie ever!

Chicken Pot Pie is one of those comfort foods I have missed since we changed our diet about four years ago.My mom’s chicken pot pie was one of my favorites growing up. Once we went Paleo, I had pretty much given up on the idea of creating atasty Paleochicken pot pie recipe. Let’s be honest–making a grain-free crust that’s flakey, yummy and actually holds together is a tall order. But, it’s been done, friends. I have officially made a Paleo chicken pot pie recipe thatimpressed every one of my kids, Supermanandmyself!

The trick to this crust is to make sure it’s completely chilled before you work with it, and working with it quickly. You’ll have a perfect chicken pot pie on your hands if you work quickly!

This recipe is perfect for a cool fall evening or cold winter night when you just want a bit of comfort and warmth in your belly.

Paleo Chicken Pot Pie Recipe - Life Made Full (3)

This Paleo Chicken Pot Pie recipe is egg-free, grain-free andamazing!

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Paleo Chicken Pot Pie

Paleo Chicken Pot Pie Recipe - Life Made Full (4)

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Paleo Chicken Pot Pie Recipe - Life Made Full (5)

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  1. For the crust:

  2. Using a fork, stir together the almond flour, tapioca flour, salt and baking powder.

  3. Cut in the palm shortening until the mixture resembles course sand.

  4. Stir in the cold water.

  5. Place in refrigerator while you prepare the filling.

  6. For the filling:

  7. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

  8. In a saucepan, combine the chicken, carrots and broccoli.

  9. Cover with water and boil until chicken is done, about 10-15 minutes. Drain and set aside.

  10. In another saucepan over medium heat, cook onions in butter until tender.

  11. Stir in tapioca flour, salt, pepper and paprika.

  12. Slowly stir in chicken broth and almond milk.

  13. Simmer over medium-low heat until thickened like gravy. Remove from heat and set aside.

  14. Check on your crust--if it's chilled completely, it's ready. If it's still a bit sticky and not cold, wait another 15-20 minutes. Note: The crust dough MUST be cold in order for it not to stick!

  15. Divide the dough in half and place 1/2 in a 9-inch pie plate, and put the other 1/2 back in the fridge.

  16. Place a piece of parchment paper on top and press down with another pie tin or plate until flat. Use your fingers to spread the dough crust to the sides if necessary.

  17. Stir together the chicken mixture and butter mixture, then pour into crust.

  18. Take the other 1/2 of your crust out of the fridge and place between 2 pieces of parchment paper. Use a rolling pin to roll into a circle, then lay on top of your pie.

  19. Note: You may need to use some more almond flour or tapioca flour for the top crust. You need to work quickly to get the top crust on. It may not be perfect looking, but it tastes amazing!

  20. Place on baking sheet (it may bubble over), and bake in oven for 30-35 minutes, until crust is golden brown.

  21. Cool for about 10 minutes before serving.

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Paleo Chicken Pot Pie Recipe - Life Made Full (2024)


Why do you not use a bottom crust on chicken pot pie? ›

I only gave my pot pie a top crust, because I feel like the bottom crust always gets soggy. If you do want to add a bottom crust, I suggest blind baking it. What does blind baking mean? It's when you bake your pie crust without a filling in order to crisp it up.

How long is homemade chicken pot pie good for? ›

Leftover chicken pot pie will last in the fridge for up to 5 days, stored in an airtight container. Freezing Instructions: The unbaked or baked pot pie freezes well for up to 2-3 months. Allow it to thaw overnight in the refrigerator and then bake as directed, or bake until its warm throughout.

Why does my chicken pot pie get watery? ›

A watery potpie may be the result of not cooking the filling for long enough or adding too much liquid to the filling. Another possible reason for the pie being watery is if you add watery vegetables like spinach or green beans to the filling rather than potatoes or carrots, which soak up liquid.

What is the sauce made of in chicken pot pie? ›

The sauce in chicken pot pie is typically a gravy. I use a seasoned white gravy made from scratch with flavor-building ingredients, chicken broth, and half-and-half.

How do I thicken my chicken pot pie filling? ›

Adding flour to the chicken and vegetable mixture will set it up for becoming thick and creamy once you pour in the broth.

What makes chicken pot pie unhealthy? ›

Did you know an average restaurant portion of chicken pot pie has over 900 calories, 60 grams of fat and more than a days worth of sodium? Yeah, that's A LOT. Many often have 10-plus grams of trans fat, too -- thanks to pastries made with partially hydrogenated shortenings.

How do you keep the bottom of a pot pie from getting soggy? ›

A metal pie pan placed on a preheated surface will set the bottom crust quickest; once cooked, the liquids from the filling above won't soak in, and as a result: no soggy bottom. (Using metal is crucial: Glass or ceramic pans don't transfer heat as efficiently, so they can be accomplices to a sad, soggy bottom.)

Should you Prebake bottom pie crust? ›

You do not need to pre-bake a pie crust for an apple pie or any baked fruit pie really, but we do freeze the dough to help it stay put. Pre-baking the pie crust is only required when making a custard pie OR when making a fresh fruit pie. you should probably get: Pie weights are super helpful to have for pre-baking.

Can I eat week old chicken pot pie? ›

If you're just not sure, the safest bet is to follow the rule of throwing out any leftovers after three days.

Can you refrigerate uncooked chicken pot pie before baking? ›

Make the filling ahead of time and store in an airtight container in the fridge until ready to assemble. You may need to add a little more time onto the baking time just to make sure the filling is heated through. Look for it to be bubbling. Make and assemble the whole pie and leave it in the fridge ready to bake.

Can I eat a chicken pie 3 days out of date? ›

In most cases, this food is still safe to eat! Food manufacturers use different date codes to ensure that consumers receive their product at peak quality. Once a product is past code date, many manufacturers donate it to food banks.

Why is chicken pot pie so bland? ›

My first instinct says you may not be using enough salt. That is often the problem with vague “blandness”, because people are often afraid of getting things too salty. Salt brings out and sharpens other flavors, so almost any food without enough salt will seem bland, no matter what else you add.

Why does chicken pot pie hurt my stomach? ›

A warm chicken pot pie might feel just right on a chilly day, but it can also do a number on your stomach. This seasonal food favorite is often loaded with fat, a common IBS trigger. The wheat in the crust is a source of the fermentable fiber fructans, says Scarlata.

Does chicken pot pie thicken as it cools? ›

As the filling cools it will thicken, and if you slice the pie before it cools to room temperature, it won't thicken no matter how long you wait. This is also true of pies with custard fillings. They need to have that elusive jiggly center when you take them out of the oven.

Does chicken pot pie contain potatoes? ›

Vegetables: A top-of-the-line potpie is filled with tender, colorful veggies. This recipe uses potatoes, carrots, frozen peas and corn. Cream sauce: The creamy sauce starts with a roux, which is a combination of butter and flour that thickens the sauce.

What is the difference between chicken pie and chicken pot pie? ›

In the South, some folks make a distinction between chicken pie and chicken pot pie. Chicken pies, also known as “chicken and pastry,” are the savory versions of fruit pies or cobblers, made with homemade crust and no, or very few, vegetables. Chicken pot pies typically include vegetables and have a top crust only.

What are the 4 types of pie fillings? ›

There are four types of pies: cream, fruit, custard, and savory. A pie that contains cooked meat, poultry, seafood, or vegetables in a thick sauce. Examples: Pot pies, Quiche, and Sheppard pie. Made by cooking baking uncooked along with crust.

What are the main types of pie filling? ›

The three main types of pie are fruit pies, custard pies, and cream pies. Fruit pies are made with a variety of fruits and usually have a top and bottom crust. Custard pies are made with eggs, milk, and sugar and typically have a single crust. Cream pies are made with a creamy filling and usually have a single crust.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.