The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

4' IT THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER: SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1937 Fnr Want Ads SUttcr 2424 For Want AdsSUtter 2424 ccc 180 HOUSES FOR RENT) 172 HOMES FOR SALE, SAN FRANCISCO 195 Hom for Sale, Ptninsiita ItV HOMES FOR SALE, SAN FRANCISCO I8i SAN FRANCISCO INCOME PROPERTY FURNISHED linr'To Rodwood City THRIVING garage bus. home, pheasant rens. ranch. 7fl Maitland Guernevilio THE 184 SAN FRANCISCO INCOME PROPERTY 3.SS0, TERMS sTlata, 3 and 4 rms. on Church near 2tltli large lot, 28 ftfront.

Key 38,16 24th St. BARGAIN 2-5 rm. flats, newlv renov. Inc. $78 mo.

Terms. OR. U086 jdr, A La. 5.10t). W'ELL planned slucco home of 4 rms.

dr Bus5ness Comer week 2-3-room cottages. Alameda xv 1 renovated: gas, elec; 4-0, on large lot 83x120: fruit trees; chicken wonderful garden; detached garage; priced at $3,000 OWN. going East, new 1-3, 2-4, 1-5 apt. Inu. $155 $11,500, AL 2700-M.

1940 FLOOR PLAN 5 room anj neparate breakfast rrtorn, t'anvHH, vater hpnler. ecmiomv l.vjm gaa furnace; full baHeniPtit and phihk. rnnvfnience vt a mansion. Priced at only $5,7 6W. FHA TKlt.MS.

Open tofiny at to 142. Munpta Way at Whipple ave. Kl DOLl'H AIUHH A- SUNS, 44S-1 AIlHHion M. Kt.k. 'MIX.

$52,51 AT Tt'RK ST Ar TtOSSI AVE. UVKS DAILY, This beautiful home, ex-quiwitply furnishPil, run be boiitfht on (he easy F. A. payment plan. Th JocaMon Is Ideal.

The A corner property, particularly 186 RICHMOND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE Berkeley ruslness corner. Is more desirable than an Inside holding it la conse. Qiiently souaht by tenants, remains aieadily rented. and commands 5-ROOM Bl'NOALdw 831 20TH $3,050, wnicn includes some furniture. L.

H. Hi III rnts. 6th ave. at Bayshore. Camlno.

cor. Oak. 10 ACRES, $2,500. BOO ft. frontage on the Canada road.

2 miles north of Woodslde, 4 milea west of Redwood City. Has a txvooded xalley and a large view knoll. A real bargain. Box 40338. Ex.

4 imp. lot on fruit and oak trees; cloae in: $2,250. Gordon. 102 5th Ph. H01W 14 BRfiR.M hdwd.

finish: lot 85x130: lgeft rwood. nr. r. C. now rented $125.

2531 Channing way. home all that can be wlshetJ. higher rents. The foregoing Is par-ticularly true when the corner la In the center of an established retail 163 APARTMENTS FOR BEHTl UNFURNISHED (M) Marina District NORTH POINT. 3300 Beautiful m1-ern 6 im.

and breakfast csn-vu walls; mm hent. 2 baths. Frigidaire. garage. For information phone FL Mill.

P-Kill-May. holidays, F1.4'JT. PIERCE73416 Marina: rns.i III; rsnvaa: 1 blockears; ress. Rico WAY76. nr.

Fillmore and Marine 2 newly decorated; lite, closet space. Heap, rent. Vf NKfS, 2945 Mod. sunny 3 now tabla tup move: garage. "(N Mission District JH.H Dolores, 204 a lK.

beau. sun. glass aunnorch.Adults. $45 2ih 1 10 4 hdw. vvarmhelt.

at 26th street. El Capistrano Apts. 3 artistically designed: all electric; 7 story steel and concrete building. Heart of S. F.

Warm Belt. GUErtRERO, 1 170. nr. 24lh Spacious 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, Exceptionally large living rm. With barrel ceiling; stippled wall 667 43HD AVE $6,760 Oakland shopping center, and nty gnning lurket sr.

1510 44th ave 5 rm, and bf. rm, bungalow, modern, clowe to transpor-tHl ion. achoola hopninir diat. aell 170 FLATS FOR RENT JJNFURNISHED (Ml OctavTa" 8, Market 5-6 aunny $27.50744 Broadway Newly ren. aunny rearn F.16.

S37.60-$3O Manyan, '12 Is. atore garden, j3(CI-SiT beaut, eunflood. ctre. heat, hoat. 659 Guerrero.

353 rrtl. redec. lge. stove, pantry: tuba; adults. $33 IS'l'lf st.72438, nr.

Henna Visla Terr. Clean sun. 4 circ heat. tov, linol. Ml 5 sun, aanii-modern child.

xvelcome. 50Hanco*k. nr.Church. Sacramento, 3200 Sun. hall rng.

WA.lOfl. $3260 ,1440, nr. Mission fi rm. lower flat, hurdxvood firs. $.36 McAllisferT 1831, nr.

linker l'P. 6 rnis 2 garden, nr. ech.OH. -Completely fl. 7 rms.

Hall carpet, linol. in stove, sard, nr. 3448cott. CLAYTON 801. cor.

Frederick 5-6 im hdw. heat. O'FARRELL, 1670 2 8-rm. flats. Suit, for income.

DO. 4185. people. P. O.

Hox 212, Glicrnerille. Los Gatos FOR LEASE FURNISHED Beautiful country estate, near Los Gains. Consisting of 12 acres, all tinder fence, artistically landscaped. Many fine oiika. Swimming pool with filtering aatem.

Teiulia coilrt-liar-becue prill. Strictly modern Knsliah designed kome. ti maaler bedrooina, aieepinif porchee. 6 batha, library, solarium, aocial hall, billiard room and bar. 4 fireplaces; livinit room Maid's room and hath in houae, 3 aervanta' rooms with bath over fi car-paraee.

tlwner furnishes gardener. Reasonable price to rich! people. Thia la one of the fineat homes in Northern California. Climatic conditions and view can not be excelled See or communicate with HARK. HHKWKU CI.AliK, INC.

KXCLI S1VK ACENT. namona. P.A. 4 I'M or P. A.

77S5 for financed with new F. ii. A. imin. 65.H-D GAS Rtation, 3 pumps, going business.

Foothill lllOrloO; 6 rm. house, well, tank, mill, gar. Ideal for auto court. $5,250, terms; was $3,500 full price; stiicc-Thome. nearly new, 2 usual EZ terms.

LASCY REALTY, 620 Hiway. JlHlduin Howell, 31S Kearny Street ordinances limit the district and anchor the business section. We have such a corner for sale on POLK st. completely leased and under contract to this office. A 8842 COLDWELL, CORNWALL BANKER.

67 SUTTER ST. SL'TTEK 6420. "THE MONTEREY" I'Nl'Sl'AL OFFER AT $8,050. INGLESIDE TERRACE Inside the tract gales, opposite El Key Theater; thia modern ilelached bungalow contains rnis. and ep.

2 rm. apt. off the ground floor which renla for $30 mo. Spacious garden surrounds the place. Can be seen by appt.

OV. 2110. furnished display home. 5 rma. and $12 500.

71 1 1 E. 1 4th Oakland 3 STORES, 2-4 rm' $110 Inc. E. 14th nr, 38tlt ave. Owner leaving, must sell or trade.

E. Jackson, 316 17 st. OBk1LA.J)201. FR. 6711 oclal hall.

2 batha. all canvas walls, tile kitchen and bath. Price xxii.i.ia.xi HiaitJXXIN CO 240 MONTGOMERY, EX. 7340. SPECULATORS BUYERS 7-room home, garage.

E. and W. exposure: heart of Clement shopping center. Sacrifice today $3,760. Can finance.

Open. l'it ri axe. Ll iyE-OREErL FOR SALE BY OW.NKR-Bungalow, II like new; tile bath and kitchen, new furnace. Must be sold; best offer takes it. Come and see thia; have a check xvith you.

Real pickup. Open 850 2lith ave. bTtnVialovv" 6 rms. newly renovated xvith gas furnace, lovely garden; near schools. $7,550.

including draperiea, linoleum and hall carpet. Meyer Pnr. ACACIA LANE: New 6 r. Colonial. baths, stall view; lot 76x150; beautlandscpd.j$8.750.

BK. 7 621. fl RM. house, lot UovltiO: 2 blocks west of highway: $3,750, terms. CRi'DO ft (il'IDA.

751 HIWAY. NEW rm. slucco. 3 lot 60x130; close In; FH.A trms. Hoefler El Camino.

$5 750 Mud. stucco fl rms TED SI EFERT. 2498 Broadwsv. BEAUTIFUL apt. house, excellent dis tnlo drive at Evelyn way.

MO. D087 trict on Vermont near Orand ave. Always rented. Sale, or trade. Owner.

RESORT BARGAIN On beautiful Clear Lake, In Lake County. 134 miles from over paved fully equipped' ging resort, rest, and bar accommodating Beyond Comraparison. Rio Nido CHARM AND BEAUTTI Hox ftOlil.l, Examiner. MOD. ls 'unit apt .7 -2a, best Bee thia ultra mod.

furn. 6-rm. patio 8-rm. patio typ home. All can vaaed walls and ceilings, tile bath rental Inc.

E. Bay: inc. $640: will pay for itself; 12rv int. money inv. front sunny 2 and 3 sun-flooded, fine view, steam refrig 4 modern, ateam.

hot water, sunny all day. 557 Carp at. and ahower. tile kitchen; large vie $10,000 cash handle. BE.

2300. snops COZY romnl. furn. cnttaue avail Aug. 0.

remainder season. MO. 12041 MOD. hskPK. cabin near Boll at Rio Nido, reaa.

K.l .128 or LA. 73 12. TWO rottases. all mod. newly renov.

MO. 85411. Call Monday. lots. Price So.i'SU.

H. A. loans Meyer Builders. Portola dr. at Evelyn way.

MO ,1987. TUickly. 723 27lh ave Key at CLARE.MONT 8201 Auburn axv San Bruno SMALL, clean furnished home and 4 lots. nr. trans.

$2,300 Bentley Realty. 410 Kan Mateo ave. MODEL HOME 1778 10th ave. Take No. 6 Car.


3127. IE LCXE CONSTRICTION. 00 people, 3 one-im. cabins and 1 three-rm. cottage, all modern, cot.

tags city accommodating 300 people next door, 3 min. walk to bathing pavilion and dance hall on lakeshore; have operated this property for 12 years; sickness in family: must sell. Further details MA. 0114 evenings Mod, 6 rm. stucco house.

1 blk, tS 5108 Geary. PK. 2433 OPEN TODAY S.r17 50 rm. uptier, newly (l.KI. all like new Prific.W.88(trIforVey.

8028 GEARY BLVD S-rm. detached lot 48x70. West of Twin Peaks $47.50 WEST J'oKtAL S.10 new aunny 2 tin. Spanish studio firplace. Gar, incl.

F. trains.HIgate 0880. 2 APT. houses. each; nuick sale, $14,600.

1600 Webster. Oakland. 14-R. furn. apt.

house, income $102: steady tenants. Box 60207. Exam. San At 716 Amazon well kept 6-room stucco home, canvas walls. .11111, aiiiaciivn prop, must oe sola quick.

Fl. 0035. Mil ftlf) Aahbury, 5 rooms, clean and f4ft 108 Ross ave. i rm. cottaa.

San Carlot EXCEPTIONAL value in well built new 5-rm. home. Walking distance-3 tile bath, large living; and dining Venetian blinds. Close to depot and schools. Reaull- MUST BE SOLD tile bath and kitchen, full basem*nt furnace, xvater heater, detached ga Jf) Richmond District comfortable, sunny.

Key at 155.) I llaiabt st. DOWN, BALANCE LIKE KENT BEAI T1FI ti ROOM BI'NGALUW Exceptional value. Just completed by THE BAY CITY H11LHING CD. NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION the east line of 2300 iilk. of 35th bet.

Santiago antl Taraval. Modern flats 6 rms. each, genuine APT 4-4 net Inc. $100; Park blvd rage; price. $5,760.

Owner. 200 3rd gum Calif, entrance, large princ. only. 4302 Evans. Oak.

$40 COI.E. 216. nr. Hayes 6 5nS 4 rm. aunny tile bath.

tipper aunny, hall, atairs carnei living rma. Inc. $Nfl mo. SK. 6121 8-RM.

HOME, $6,050 cotnp. furn. N'r. train, ahop. HE- 5414 Sn Mateo COM FORT A HI.

3 bedim, home: yard: cioste to schnolsS.MV'OM Santa Crui Mountains iuuy lannscapea. view Price $6 4R(1 J.17.50 5 nun. good Close shops, cars, schools. HA. 6-flN.

car serv, and school accom F.H.A. terms. For this and other 12 full 4's, marine view. mayrade 617 Blx-d. Way LARGE tile-brick 541 12th sacrifice or lease.

327 15th st. $411 bet. A rms. Key at 1040 Hyde. OR.

25114. A REAL BARGAIN East of Van Ness 2 stores and 12-4 room hldg. in excellent condition: elect, rel gas, steam plant. Income about $500 per mo. Will consider small city prop, in exchange.

Full price $32,500. New $15,000 hank loan at 6 See N. H. fireen, ALRERTON REALTY, INC. 157 Sutler St.

GA. 1570. Pplendid location, nr. cars, shops. modations.

Thia ultra smart home dinette, stippled S.TZ.nli 'Z omi i arioa properties see us first. HAfl'lir; 1425 5 room, newly ntttldtnff line new, ateam noi 4n cieme must beseen to be appreciated. 5 BOOMS AT 34H STAPLES. Just Te i08 Kl amino Real, Redwood City, tile. HA.

i'i! i.eary. de(. ter. 4 COTTAGES for rem, furn. Hen Lom ctinditloned.

You should see thia MUST SELL ai noois, para; large lovely garden. Open, 051) 23rd ave. BA. 4488. 2 FLATS, ft RMS.

E.V $0,250 Positively the best buy in modern flats ill S. F. Colored tile, baths Opp. G. G.

Pk. Mr. Davis. BA. 4488 dinette; team $42.50 -5 and sun excell.

loca- $3X vnih "car. 3 heat: sunny. 4. -12 2 Richmond 7 S's snd 2 2's Stucco, furnished; sac. "i price.

3213 Telegraph. Oak. ond in Satua Cruz Mis. YK. 852 GOING TO SKATTf.E San Mateo.

Ph. S. 226, BALBOA TKBHACE 1F you are In the market for an exceptional 2 story, 3 bedrm, home, LIKE NKW, call and ace this attractive French colonial, at 3.15 San Leandro way. A HEAL BARGAIN at $0,850. Owner on premises, or OV.

2116. KB. DIAMOND Reconditioned Walm Belt home, fl new root, newly painted, 500 down. 30 mo. 1 block to cars; only S3.

250. A bargain in the full meaning of the word. Bl BHIKK, 483 Valencia. Geary. on Richmond Hist.

Key liiun i.ear.v My garden home of 6 rooms on a 67 foot lot. 5 minutes' walk from mim NEAR DOLORES ST. S40 879 3Sth ave. 3 suDny. mod.

FULTON 5516 Newly reno Sonoma tinn; $5,000 value for $3,850. terms for low price and small down pay. ment. Lovely BRAND NEW home, 5 edge Forest Hill. Here ja a beaiiiifiil home.

$5,050. HOPKINS 1NV. 707 Taraval, garase: yardBA.O-'.i. 454. cor.

th ii 2 6 Qfll) 8-RM- MODERN BUNGALOW $6,250 Wf'VW: Nr oyrrt ave an(J mi. no. HZailero: tents, 111. 1. Martinez ihman.

cabins. Stucco 2-6s with sun porches or. nextto drug store, OPEN FOR INSPECTION- or Air. Davis. BA.

8000. sun flooded, stm. heat. hdwd. tile bath.

mod. j4ttn0nrea. 51 ft Spacious 6 JNew n-rm. ultra-mod. large 24.

bet. i8th-lth av. FriK. r. $50 Balboa.

17 i rm. mod. 173 lOHjimMjfor Sale, Paninsula "Belle Haven City (Palo Alto $8 750 New fl and 7 room homei Situated 1n the beautiful oaks. Belle Hsven City Building Co. 1183 Market St.

UN. 7481 hdwd. panoramic HOUSES FOR RENT; UNFURNISHED inner lot. noxiiio. Elm Mori blvd.

Sacrifice or trade for S. Fulton 4 modern -0 ve j45 up Fulton 4 modern VICINITY 22nd and J'otrern, only lots. Fireman Realty. WEst 4H33 hdwr floors, recessed tubs, showers, large basem*nt, garage. ALL STRICTLY MODERNIZED.

$2,000. CASH needed, only one set like this In entire Mission dist. st this price. Chester R. Macphee, 2798 Mission Mission 3141.

Open Sundays. LE A SED BROADWA YAPTS. conveniences: earage. Mv. gas furn.

ISih. per sunny Vrk. rm View. Adults. Key 145:1 i RM.

ruatlc bungalow in beautiful SPARKLING anil sun-flooded 3 bedroom home. Terrace garden. Every-thing. 367 gOth at Geary. BEAUTIFUL 5 snd erooinflats on key lot, 26x100.

4529 California. Your agent orowneron prem. 10-6. TWO 4-ROOM FLATS. Key lot, very aunny; shingle exterior; good condition: 2-car gar.

PR. 5066. $7.050 IXJVELY FLATs7'LOSEN. S2.8O0. 6 rooms and bath, fine condition, also lower and upper apartment, rents for $18 monthly.

A home xvith an ii-come BALA SA LA. 16th. cor. Valencia eeiunif, rurnisned; $0,600. Unfur.

$5750 2201 Lake 4 newly renovated KaraBeelf to H0-88cr2SUl ave. Beaut. 4 rm. apt. Belmont $25 SEYMlM'K at Turk-Divia.

tl sun. rms stove; gnrd. HA. 1041 MARKET at. 4 rooms and garase; good condition.

MOntrose 0410. J50 J55 Taraval, 810-812, near 10th 6 rooms, netyly dec. nished $5,800. Terms arranged John pui.ii pkicf: only Cozy 4-rm. rotiaue, has hardwood floni-B, furnarp, rlean and sunny, nire garden; out-of-town owner says wll at once! See thia.

I'hester It, Maiphee. 2708 Mission. Mission .114 1. Open SundHya. E'owgill, 557 Laurel at.

Ph. 338W $500 down. $50 mo. buys 6 rm. house Electricity and ear.

incl, rem.i- hnt wtr Marine view: finest residential heat haar HOMESKEKERS, nexv fi-rm. 2-3's and 1-6 hdxvd. new gas furnaces and water heaters: xvith play price D. ST. GEORGE.

1402 HI way. Blmt. rm. apt light: aunny'; newly, Venetian F.V. 0420 blinds.

Key 4010 Geary. SK. 6822. homes, most $3,850: $4,750, $70 875 25lh ave. Jr.

5 new gar. included. $27.50 Sunny 5-rm. cottage, garage. 4K 1 nr 1 Oth.

Val. A. 6158 earmgiieany Hiway. Three, 6 rms. hdwd.

firs terrazzo stairs. Inc. $95. BA. 4677 Brisbane bkft.

rm OR. nOHrt. I $37.50 217 Cornwall nr. 4lh- allf. SAP, EXQCISITB marine view; ateam ht.

S.i.s.iO New 6-rm. home; close-in SPECULATION $4.500. 2-story home, light, aunny, hardwood floors; good view, nr. Affiliated Colleges. THEVOlt CO.

Jl STTTKIt ST. Si tter 648.1; GENEVA TERRACES- Newest features; near cars, schools. pans; an terms. 0585. FULTON.

6400 Now available exclus. 3-4 rooms. All gleet, Indiv. Kar. 2211 425, nr.

Geary 3 hrkfst. nook, at. ht h. Frig gar. $5,250.

WONDERFUL Bargain. $5,250 sunporcn. aiove. gd. some furn.

If need. $H5 PACIFIC AVE. NR. FILLMORE ma. B.aum hafit' stinnleH wails: $25(0) DOWN NR.

VALENCIA CARS Cozy 4-rm. cottage. Clean, as a new-pin. Level lot, no hills; full basem*nt; 2-car gar. Full pr.

Chester R. "Macphee, 271)8 Mission. "Mission 3141. Open Sundays. San Mateo 0 mod.

renter hall; in good rnnd. Kev6300 Geary-27th ave NEWLYWEDS SEE THIS! New $4,500 modern Monterey type 4 room home; marine x-iew; sacrificed fnr $3,500 to close es 1 block No. 3 car line; available 0th. ave 1273 Sun. mod, 6 hdwd.

yd. MO. 754.1. LAKE ST. NEW patio bungalow: latest in design $1,500 CASH.

IF you have that much, on lease. 9 stores, playgrounds; 5 hreak-l xxiii nuy tins a room home In Purlin WILLIAM GOODWIN $37.50 Spajiish 5 atove, heat. 255 Los Banos, Daly City. 4 rms. modern, front elevator, and finish; open for inspection.

45142ndjiyemie. game Garden: floxxers, privacy and tate. Terms. ARTHUR ANNIS BE41.TT CO fast basem*nt, garage, gas furnace; adjacent to our office, 2305 Alemany blvd. SF.E THEM.

BALDWIN HOWELL, RAnd. 1330 all the rest of the things that will $5.000 Flats. 2-4's and 1-6, nr. 1st $40 Market. 2300 7-rm.

house, suit. Parkside District See this first; modern 6 54flMONrtiOIER.Y FX7340. $136 Jackson, 3835 Mod. 7 steam heat. aIcGI EiTlO 350 Redec.

8 rms and Cabrlllo. all rented: nr cars, garage: cnrner 24thave. LAKE, 630 2. 3 mod. refiig.

LAKL 1030 Panoramic view. 4 Ttrishane tract office. P.And. 10402. able home or business; in good cond Cottrell Loan DeptHEm.

10O0. colored tile baths and kitchens; nexv stoves snd Ven. blinds; Inc. $200 shows 12Ce net nn Invest. Value of lot, 47.5x100, equals aaking price of entire property.

Mr. Astroff. LANG REALTY 39 Putter, CORNER FLATS $1,000 DOWN 3 substantial flats and rarsges, hardwood floors throughout, Roman tuba, sunny corner. Income $86.00. Exceptional bargain in most convenient location.

Vicinity 18th and Castro. Full price $6,050, Tour home and income. WALTER GORIXIN. 414 Caatro st, CLEMENT ST. LOCATION Corner Business Store.

Beer tavern rented, fully euuipt with over $4,000 equipment. 2 flats above: garage; schools. Byrnes Realty. 3836 Geary. niHse a nouse nome: 4.750 SAN MATEO INVESTMENT AXEL V.

JOHNSON. EL CAMINO REAL AT 25TH. COTTACE Miss, St, Paul Parish; 6 plaster in. 07 80. $42.50 1405 Rhode Island 6 rm.

2 batha. aim. gar. SK. NEW patio, super-fine 5 rm bung, alow.

$7,875. Terms. 684 4'ird ave. newly dec, stall shower; reas. hdwd.

all big I modern. Apply at nouse. Balboa 3404 Balboa. SK. 1O40 Burlingamo BURLINGAME WEST OF EL CAMINO JUST COMPLETED New 6 room home, $5,250.

SUN REALTY CO. $45 Mod. 5 nn. gaa furnace, closa in: also 5 rm. flat, Marina BEACH 1533 Six rooms, pent house.

2 baths. OPEN TODAY. COMPANY. Inc. 25 Sutter st.

EXbrook 71 3S lot; fine view; by owner direct terms. Call 130 Kingston nr. 30th, noon, eve. 8TH 195 Beaut, sunny top outside 4rm w.elev. BOTH 140, nr.

3 ele. til baths- caraep room patio home, only 6 months old. f'lose, in Ta ra val at. Shown only hv appoint me nr, flu 7 Taraval st. OVeriand ''ft'l't.

"bab(m1rrace J.TftU New 7-room 2-bath homes. Exceptional value, A-l condition. Aptos avp near Orpan rpn WEPT PORTA REALTY CO. 45 ent Porta I a ve. dist.

$.10. Key 1008 HUh ave. 20O Third San Mateo. Ph. 228.

FLATS rms. each, slucco and brick front Inside 17th ave, A buy. SK. 6131 DETACHED on 32 ft. lot.

Patioen QUICK ACTION WANTED. frOIlt1- iein, lrni. $47.60 5 gas car: 55ll. 6 rtnsa. Frig.

Keys A REAL BUY. loOO down, balance like rent, fl room home, glass enclosed porch 21 ST 250 I'pper 3 rm. New Aragon; 3 b. xira rm. bath A TWO-STORY.

STUCCO HOUSE Stove, inepiHce. trance; 6 social hall: gaa Tlx. nun; ijn, Jamieson. 1303 B'wy xvith an unusual and very attrac Venetian blinds, garage, beautiful FARHELL. 1330 Itth ave.

$47.50 5 marine view hung marine view. Key 3747 Balboa, 2 rm. penthouse: aun.ainveiinoi. CLAY. 31 Baker Light 6-rm $12,500.

garden. nr. Hoffman MT. VERNON TERRACE while house detached, gas fur. Key 5020 Geary.

large lot: good income. Chance middle flat, hardwood floors. five floor plan. Living room, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, game room on the first floor. Second floor has studio living room 18x40 Tile 4 h.

2 2 lots JF.Y. tms. W. of h'wy. DO.

2548 w. bed, hea stove ga a.rea s. 30TH 322, nr. Sea Cliff Frnt. sunny 3 31 ST 700.

cor. Balboa 3 marine view: garage. 41ST 600 Mod. front 3 dinette; ocean view; steam; prlv. gar.

take 'oilsiness over and all for only 6 $50 fi rms. and Richmond 124 Ellington ave. See this 5-room DELMAR. 122 Newly decorated rma. gar.

EXbrook 0232. dist. home; 2-car gar. BA.ii.i4. COLONIAL home.

Large lot. good loca. nnsslun stucco bung. Yard, gar across front nf house, also 3 bed tion. 43o Occidental San Mateo, 5 rooms; garage, auto, $5,100: terms.

FILLMORR. 3710: lease beautiful new $55 Detached home rooms and bath. Large lot with furnace, garden. 7120 Geary. 6 rma.

and hrkfst. rm. FI. 07 64. tennis court.

(8 red wiaun t'o. MA 11 110. LS THIS SUNSET BUY? int Lots for Salo, Peninsula $22.500 12 modern garages; refrigeration; bririrain money mnker. Lloyd Jones, 4014 Geary. SK.

34 34 $4 000." 5 Rm. gits furnace: good condition; xxaO bed. Key, 6020 Geary. SPRAKLING NEWLY DECORATED. 6 rm, mod.

like new 458 33rd ave. $5.250. BA. 3012. LEAVING city Beaut.

7-rm. house and sun like new; now rented 75. FHA loan. BA. 2307.

$00 Nie 5 rms. and dinette home. 12.000, This la a real pickup, HEYMAN 6138 Geary. NEAR DOLORES PARK 3-3'a lone a pent 2-4's and 2-2's. Income $175 mo.

Lot 60x114, detached, excellent view, district, transportation, hardwood, heat, garages. A-l condition. 1'riced at $11,500 for quick sale. Terms. Mission Realty Co.

MArket 0444. 6-rin. house, 2 landscape Fl LTON, 0128-30 I'pper or lower 6 room, gas heat, garage, Frigidaire. stall shower. gas gar A REALTY COMPANY garden, fruit, only $400 eash; near (Rj Sunset-Parksido $43.50 10th 1370 Lge.

aun. stm. gar, car. LINCOLN way, 45 2 rm. beautiful h.

Frig. Gar. Oppark Los Altos $25 DOWN. $3 1'ER WEEK. 1 Ith axe.

Irving st. MO. 1030 schools and park, oien, 1218 42nd caU Stafford. OV. W530.

Fl'LTOX 2251 5 circ. heat. hdw. kit. fur.

jir. Kj 'ol. s. Large lots. 3 blocks to R.

R. sta. MONTEREY COLONIAL Inst being completed. Large lot with unob $.3.850 $750 down, $35 mo. buys tion and business center; full prlca FI'NSTON.

143H Sun. 5 and sun SRiU Victoria, 7O0. lease, cor. likfst. open.

Burke Burke 4 S3 Val. $62.50 tl room mod. cor. residence. Ben K.

Cherin, 037 Irving st. structed view of San Francisco this splendid home: ti large sunny PARNASSUS. 120. nr. Cole Sunny frt stove, hdw.

car. sum. nnx 04007. Examiner, bay. 3 bedrooms and 3 baths, also NEAR ST.

FRANCIS WOOD. I tarhed 6 rm. bung, y.r.I50; I-1KM NEW; this cozy home is a steal at the pri stall shower. Kaw nit yard; small ash required over Kit A loan and mo. JncL taxes.

OV, Slid for appt. FOREST Mod. df t. y-Htory home, ti rms. and

buth. si a II sh*twer, extra lavatory, giis hat; 2 (ar n-ar schools, earn, shops rea 1 ha rjrai nf 1A. r5)MI. HiitS I'ortola dr. CITY'S FINEST Beautiful brand new 6 rm.

patio home. All 1038 features. Built to F. H. A.

spec. 1'riced to sell TODAY Meet meat 800l'ayuRa. 5757. $117000' DOWN NKW PK T.T'XE BINOAT.OW WITH PAYMENTS AT I.KS.S THAN' ItKXTAL VALI'K. 1550 23KD OPB.n; FOK INSI'KCTIKM stucco; Paris st.

See A. B. Frank 4607 Mission st. BEST buy New corner home, $7,950. No.7 Almaden, off Anxa at 1st ave.

K.nvr li-'7ii, $850 a. 43 bearing fruit trees. Loa 3 atipple walls; lge. dress, rm St. ht.

Frig. Cars 8. GREENWICH. 1186. nr.

Hyde 6 rm $3,150 FULL PRICE FOUR ROOM FLATS AND REAR COTTAGE GARAGE. ALL RENTED. WELL dis-j $07.50 New 5 rm. patio. $112.50 marine view; within walking vxiiob.

pig, station. BA. 7373. B.F, room with bath on first floor which can be used for maid's room, guest room or library. Good value in a SACRIFICE Owner leaving.

6 TBARVAL. 1023 Modern 3 ga I 814 "BA 3012! 3 bedrnni. 1801 10th ave hone OV. 4oT2. I-OCATED IN THE MISSION! TMS.

San Carlos rage: stove, linoleum: rets good district. (6781 Sam McKee Co. 2813 Mission COR blvd. home, 295 14th ave. 8 rms.

etc. lngl. dist. It's a bargain at $3,050. Open Sat and Sun.

11 to 5. 807 Holloway av. MA. 8052 8TH 1342 Quiet sunny 3 rm. $150 Sea Cliff 4 bedrms.

2 baths. tance Galileo High. Key 1184. LEAVENWORTH. 1737 Near

4 rm. flat, hdwd. floors; completely renovated. ALL6RCAWAY. 270 5 re Betw.

24th and 25th. Suit, for prof. use. BA. 3012.

LOTS $136 full price; for smart maid's bath. GA. 44.18. gtm. heat, n.

waterjjir.i car. home; nexv district; clear; no assess. FULL PRICE $23,500. OPEN. 850 HURON St.

Like new. Has 31ST 766 0-rm. mod. 10TH 1370 Modern aunny 2 ments. Ml 55426.

Ex. MODERN WESTERN ADD. San Mateo Park FOUR BEDROOM English house, baths. Exceptional value at $1 everything! Price right. 1 block to gas fi blk.

high school. gtm. gareasonanie Mission st. Phone DEI. 6000.

San Mateo 40TH 477 5 strictly mod. (S) Downtown 750. (378) ALMOST giving away 3 beautiful level bungalow, close golf course. Partly furn. if desired.

Open 12-B daily. OWNERS' SACF1F1CE; 6-room, detached bunCTlow: ultra modern: on 40 ft. lot. 181 Pinehurst.RA. 1019.

MISSION warm belt. Cory 4-rm. cot lots, en mm. to S. 3 blks.

ocean $45 Van Ness. 612 at Civic Center San Mateo bathing, fishing. $150 ea. Terms. All 41 ST 719 Modern bungalow.

187 SUNSET DISTRICT RIAklfLAJJ $5.250 5 and 6-rm. flats, handy to cars, schools, shopping; price is right. Anply 743 Irving. MO. 8000.

REAL BARGAIN Beautiful Home. Up to the Minute. Biggest Snap in 1heDistrict.1862 20th axe. NEW extra lge. fl rm.

patio; canvas; social hall By Bldr. li 18 23rd MOD. good nr. St. Ann's sunny.

NearBalboa. mprvmnis in, paid. Box 58438, Ex CORNER APT. BLDG. S3 lot 37x87; stm.

$11,860 5'c loan. A REAL BARGAIN! SCUPPER CO. EX. 7828. CLOSE IN APTS.

2-3's and 1-4. Income $100 month. Full price $5,850. Terms. Near Alamo.

on good car line. Hardxvood. heat, garages, etc. Good condition thruout. Miasion Realty Company, 2105 Mission sl MArket 0444.

Mod. me snw. BUSH77a BfRKE LEWIS. Front, new 2s, Shower, large dress, room. ONLY 3 homes left! Restricted.

tage, gar. $350 down, $3.1 50 full pr. Central JRealty 2006 Mission. new decreas, wA, o.l O. rXmONA 35 5 upper; newly shopping reas.

7TM 436 Lower mortem flooded with sunsh Ine. 683 5 bkfst. gaa atair carpet; range, excel, reas. 19TH 270 1 breakfast ateam heat, hot water; very modern: reas. SKyllne 0735.

20TrTst 3307, cor. Folsom Attrac. sun. 6 carpets. 131 CASELLI ave.

fl large Sharp Park Salada Beach NEW ROAD OPEN. GEARY. 825, VP. HYDE. 5-RM.

mod. home. 1241 Alemanv blvd. near Silver. Real bargain at $4,950.

Key. Hammlll, 4508 Mission. $28 down, lots 80100. near i-olf brkfst. stall shower, auto.

iit. Burlingama 5-ROOM bungalow, porch stove, heat; lease. 1'R, 4038, S. F. course and beach: FTJLD PRICE

HIGGINS. HEm, 1821. WEST l'ortnl Like new, stucco bung, ft bkfs. close to schools. Church, schools.

Barg. 414 Lawton. Good for rooming house and home. First floor has living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bath, large sun room. Second floor has four large bedrooms, large sun porch, two baths.

Price on application. (567.) COLD VEI L. CORN A I.I I ANKER 37 THIRD A EN I SAN 1'EO 8440. 326 Spruce, mir. Clay PENTHOUSE Entire top floor 15 story class A 2 elevators to door.

8 rooms, 3 baths, fireplace, Venetian bllnda. Panoramie view. Gaa, electricity Included 1n rental. South San Franoisco Mlllbrao rans Mg.jiajd. PrJftUISO.

OV. 4024 OCEAN View Terrace, 259 Montana 5 RM. Jlission type bungalow: hdwd Unusual 6-room marine view homes. 21ST 4715 newly ren. rma.

and sunporcn: reasonable. 31ST 3034 ateam heat. full basem*nt: terms Homes for Sale. East Bay Albany BARG. New mod.

attrac. 6 r. hon nr. transp. Owner, 1135 Talbot.

6H7-631-H30 Cayuga, nr. Sta. Rosa. All diffeient! Compare values! IL. 32ll Mission St.

Parksndle Hiioinnies New 5-rm. center hall plan bung, opposite Larson Park. View of ocean, close to school, stores and cars. 2543 10th ave. Builders.

MO. 9087. GigaimtDC BargaSini Open 2312 25th Street. 6-room cottage, hardwood floors, garage and basem*nt, gas heat. Reduced f00.

Will sacrifice tor $55 New apartment in beautiful MM-brae Highlands; tile kitchen and bath, dinette, bedroom, large llvinjr room with fireiae; spacious view JONES. 801. cor. Suiter Desirable 2 ANDREW HYNDING, 312 Linden So. San Francisco.

lix-ater. Mission Oo25. veterans" $400 for my equity over vet. loan 6 rm. perf.

cond. Oxr. 5K31 and 3 room apts. lias ana electricity free. Kent reasonable.

hot water, nove, gar. VIEW balunnlea: attractive separate en Woodsido Highlands $70 Strictly mod. new tile POST. 606 CROWN COMMUNITY. Atfierttn Berkeley trances: more like a Trivate home.

MH.bBRAW HIGHLANDS CO, F.icentional nin Iioor, sranu 5-rm. sm. sjw. view; spacious living open fire- Heaut. t-vni.

cor. home, leaae 1 hr. s. terms rgt. Pty placesolarium and roof garden.

TO close on estate; make offer; 7 room Ph. Woodsida 3026, Box 185 1 or yrs. 278 Masnnlia. Lovely mud. detached 5 West 1'ortal X'iew; furnace.

Ve-ne(ian bldssprinklg. ays. HE. 8408. ON Funstnn.

nr. St. Ann's Church, 2- story, 3 hedrm. and sunrm. home.

Ill West Portal. OV. 3010. POWELL. (125 Spacious 4 and 6-rm, Redwood.

bath, gas 1 nr. Cptier MarkVt at. die. A REALTY COMPANY 11TH IRVING ST. MO.

1030. 7 dinette, steam heat, hot ater, stall shower. 4 lied BA.2023. 4 at. heat, hot water, sep.

aunny. Key 5020 Geary. San Mitao residential also fnrnmnea. rustic home located at 2914 New-berry off Shattuck. Close to cars, train and shupping.

Open for inspection Sunday. exclusive west of 3 bwllt Ollm, 3 baths, iarge living and ning room, beautiful aor. in shrti iis, lawns, oaks. eic. Priie $15.

OIK Terms. See us for hor.ii.j.. acreage nil home sites, in i 3 exclusiv dis Oct. HOEFL It CHAPPI.E 708 El Can-mo I' -al. Redwood City.

SUTTER. 830. near Jones Modern 197 Peninsula Income Property SAN MATtX) Park Cozy G-room cor.1 completely renovated ana redecorated; elec. refrig. new stove.

Los Altos ALTOS PARK JITTER, 1035 Lartre sun. 3 rm. New 6 RM. newly decorated flat; will lease hurgnliwt weHt. exinuie, gariieu.

separate maid's quarters, Innt. hot water, gas furnace: very large sun-nv living room, 2(1 Hilltop roHd. SEE these three nexv 6-rm. bungalows, 1339 3flth ax-e. Beautiful jobs and only $0,350.

Open daily. LO. 2476. OVERLOOKING SEA CLIFF 2 stories, 3 bedra. tile bath and kitchen.

280 32nd 2-4 m. OR, 1730. Funaton, OPEN 1 TO 6. $1,000 rash: full price. $6,250.

4 rooms. Excellent condition. HI(IGINS HONS. HEm. 1621.

NEAR COLE AND HA 1(1 HT. 2 flats 5 and 6 well located: Income $60 per month; full price $5,500: terma. Sam McKee 281? Mission, Bet. 24lh and 26th, SACRIFICE 'FLATS. Nr.

St. Ignatius Church. Oxvner leaving must sell 2 mod. fl st. tiie.

canvas, everything. 1'r. $9,250. The greatest bargain in S. F.

JPh. Si tter 794,3 or SKyline6375. DE LUXE RESIDENTIAL FLATS. Income $105. Price, $9,000.

2 5s. nr. 15lh Splendid building in perfect shape. A REALTY COMPANY. 11TH IRVING ST.

MO. 1030. MARTNA FINEST 21 APTS. Income $15,804 beautiful gore cor. is de luxe.

Plenty garage space; view: elevator. The price is right, too! Your best bet! GR ISEZ 4 Sutter. EX'J0332. $4,750 1-3 1-4 stucco flata. hdwd.

floors, garage; newly deco-tated: inc. $540 per annum: new $3 300 loan. Terms to suit. Open. 331 Montgomery blvd.

Won't, last. wan peoa, tifw (jurl 11 Acres mostly wooded, fine lew (T) Miscellaneous of Santa Clara Valley. Full price 171 APT. FLATS FOR RENT NEW BUMlAUiW B.xUOAI. $0,300 Latest "early American type" 5 rm.

nr. Pinelake Park and not far from cars; east and West good view. Phone Mr. Romano for key. OV.

21 16. HANDY MAN IXXIKf 5 rm. level basem*nt; gar. A little work will make a lovely home, or profit. Pee it at 072 VlENNAst.or call DEI.0640.

OPEN today for inspection stucco 5 room homa at 483 Bosworth st. gaa furnace. Triced at $4,750 and our best buy today Mission Realty 2195 Mission st. MArket 0444. 174 STORES, OFFICES, LOFTS, rm hdwd.

S2fl Al nnf $1,000. Terms. Csll Saturday or Sunday. Tract office on Stevens Creek Road between Los Altos and renov. LachmanBrns, HE.

3300 1 garoen. cars. STUDIOS FOR RENT $10 TIP Attractive office space in Saratoga. I. SALSMAN.

GROVE, 1547 Sun. 4 unfurn. Free Auto Service 7-RM. mod' r-i nome, 3 2 baths, 3 leis. all rms.

large, base, nieiiit, fur.iat good location; ret I It me for $8,500. Terms. ISroHdwiy Realty, 1134 Hoadway. CASA with 3 hed. naid a 2 baths.

Pr. $8,760. K.Ji, 1'AI 1481 Burlingame Ave. MT. DAVIDSON MANOR fl rm social hall, like new.

canvas, tile. $7.500. JO Pinehurst. LO. 0456.

MILLION DOLLAR VIEW. Visit these homes and see. A mac- nificientvlew. 2163 25thave NEW 6 rm. de luxe patio home.

bath, yard, basem*nt, newly renov. $5.900 Fine 6 rm. stucco, brkfe' near S. F. train, bridge highway.

1667 Short, betw, Virginia and Lincoln. Owner. AN. 4594. WELL built 7 rm.

house, enclosed porch. 2 baths, garden studio, very conv. Owner, OLym. 3902. $3.750 5-r, home, beautifully decorated, nr.

S. F. train, schools, shop. 95!) Evelyn, near Solano. 8194.

BUILDER liquidating, must sell-3 wonderful buys. Fnr further Informal ionraM THornhall 33 7. WIDE selection of houses for sale, lease. GENE) ANDERSON, office, r. 439.

Hotel Whlterotlnn. RE.J7300 570 The Alameda. 4 bedrooms 81 7 The Alameda .3 bedrooms 1904 Shattuck ave ASh. 04(10 lfia Oakland IPjnjnsuMsoeJiicSjiM La Honda NEXV unit to suit; xurn. or unfurnished; Incl.

service, telephone exchange. Mail. Messenrer Service mo. Finance 60Market st A GOOD MOVE COMFORTABLE. SUNNY OFFICES LargQ ry Small Areas.

Modern conveniences. Lower rent: grand loc. 333 KERNY FT. $45-Prosp-rt avenue, 7Hi Modern unfurn. 6-room apartment, best residential distrnt.

HIsate M-5H. estate. Honda. 850 35 DOWN. $3,050 FULL PRICE.

Modern stucco bungalow, close to all coin ed tile bath, lot 50x130, $5,250 RO iKft 1 REALTY, 1114 Broadway. A. Bedwds. stream, $60 A. jcorecioa- nre.

Canine, gl0 Emereon. palp Alto, convenience. 679 Monterey blvd. DEI. 3433.

Must be seen to be colored tile, ranvas. 2 sen baths, 2 toilets, $7,100. Open. 1618 28th av. $6,575 total.

$050 dn $57 mo Nearly 1650 Alemany blvd. The McCarthy CoHOl Ocean sve. INGLESIDE, 3650 4 reconditioned semi-del ached a real bargain. Van Realty. )338 Ocean.

DEI. 8212. Redwood City 104t MARKET OPP. JOEf Phone MArket 1780. Our expert rent man will show- you the bent furnished and unfurnished apts.

in whatever section you dwure. Free combined list from owners and real estate firms; also rity map youri for the asking; no obligation. 172 HOUSES FOR RENT $25 3-RM. rear sunny furn cottage, clean couple only; no gar. Hill.

3733, Kith nr. Castro and Market st. PH. DO. 63011 $1,600 CASH.

$0 350 FH par. 1 ,3 h. 2 gar. Bay View stucco, of 5 rooms, west of hi' ay; $5,250: $500 doxvn. Clyde Reid, 1463 Burlingame ax'e.

SMALL rhix. ranch. acre tract, fer. DESIRABLE small mod. offire, furn.

$2,350 FULL PRICE BUSINESS LIQUIDATION REQUIRES tile soil, close to Redwood City; price BERKELEY homes for sale, rent. Officer. 2903 College. BE. 7000.

or unfurn. Mail, phone service, storage space if needed. Suitable for mfg. agent. Reas.

926 llowBrd. 400, $5 monthly. Mr. Canine. Emerson Palo Alto ph.

P.A. 3338 coltate; nice; clean; blk. 9 car. Terms, H'lHU Mission st. rm.

corny yard: L. PKHAOU, Hayward Cuesta La Honda $27.60 LISBON 377 Attrac. N. cor. new 5 rooms, just completed, st 31st ave.

and Rlx'era. Priced low to close out tract. 830 Taraval. $750 buys Ross. Hill 5-rm.

home: mod. Bal. $3,500. Trms. GR.

0068. IDEAL location for restaurant, bak 3-rm. sunny yard; near cars. MOD. fl rm.

house. mod. lot 0-RM, cabin, 3 large living SEA CLIFF San Jose Real Estate $25.00 Apt. or 2 rooms on Bush top floors siea heat, hot water; aood value. $37.50 Apt.

on st 4 rooms, front; Frigidaire, steam beat; 2 wall beds. ery, creamery (Italian) delicatessen store, 65x30. RAnriolph 4756, or call at 2407 Fan Bruno ave. SACRIFICE. EARN $10,000.


STEINER. Modern building of two fl-rm, flats and breakfast rm. Large gar. Hardwood throughout, tile kitchen, bath. Perfect condition.

Beautiful yard. PRICE $11,200. 60x212. 1333 A HAyward loll Marvelous view, 9 rms. $40 527 24th ave.

3 lge. sun. and w. $50 MARKET, 2360 7-rm. house.

furnished, fireplace; 2-story house: private swimming, tennis. $3,500, terms. Call San Rafael 1456 sacrifice. $6.750 Nice 6-rm. mod.

hnng. $3,000 Oakland open 11 to 4. loo 32d ave STUDIOS. $6,700 CASH. Large bus.

200l 123 loc. scross from a large San Jose city school. Thia property hss or see Mr. Woodams at La Honda. 230 EDINBURGH st.

Beautiful 6 FHA, $4.1 mo. Call 1100 SUNSET BUNGALOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. 10'Jl SANTIAGO. Beaut, In exclusive club hldg. downtown; at.

elev. DO. 1H87. PRICED for quick sale lar name. suitable borne or business: newly furnished, Cottrell's Loan Dept.

Phone HEm. 1000. rm. garage: $3,960. on it a 3 Dumn gasoline service sts WILLIAM GOODWIN CO.

Burlingama $66 T'LTRA modern 4 close In, HAMMER TOSCH CO. 1463 BI RL1NUAMB AVE. 240 MONTGOMERY, EX. 7340. small store work 4-rm.

residence, double gar. Also has large DESIRABLE store, heart or San Jose ahop. rent 5 mo. App. prem.

10 E. San Fernando st. at First. 181 BUILDING CONTRACTORS suitable for growing fai.i'iy. hoarding house or rest horn Clise to schools, shopping bridge artery.

Key Route, 'i ai car and bus lines. Open 1 5, 873, Euclid Oitkiand. Los Altos MODERN 5 2 stucco. Easy walking disianc to S. P.

depot, local bus lines; lawns, garden and fruit. Terms. Phone Pslo Alio 3535. EXHIBITION Home. Now Open 6 rm well kept woed sheds, formerly used FOUR DOWNTOWN FLATS 4's, 6's.

Renta, $105, Pr. terms. Assessed $6,500. 38 ft. lot.

Refin-ished in, out. Sacrifice by out-of-town owner. Box 59545, Ex build M.Hou; flats ill FOR rent Ground floor epace, suitable! Oakland $33, plus do, pymt. 47 Tamalpals a7.Hoo, an yra. B'.

AT. 1400. ss a well paying fuel bus. This an ideal location for an auto camp. A.

SMITH SON', 1 612 McKee road, or 298 No. 33rd. San Jose. Calif. $55 Beautifully furn.

6 rm. bungalow; Sunset. McCarthy's, ave, $55 LEASE. Detached-mod. 5 rm.

hung. Reflnlshed like new. Par- tialljr furn Garage.4308 Jtidah. $65 Beautiful furnished 3 bedroom bungalow: social hall, refrig. Key, 1WO Irving.

ior otrices or small store. See Air. Dsvis, 95 Ness 'x FI'RN. office, with or xvithout sten. serv.lnsurance, 307 114 Sansome.

$45 Tork, 8H4 4-room. all modern, up-to-date GLncourt 7fli'K. OUT OF TCW'N OWNER 2883 Hopkins room stucco, completely 'j car large Menlo Park nlver. Tdrk-Masonir. HUNSET Mod.

6-rm. bungaloxv, nr. Tarsval: gas stove, refrigeration F.O, HKNSTItOM. 2183Market St. FURNISHED HOME.

$4,760 Santa Cruz Real Estate lot; leir.j. W. K. Felthouse. STEEL HOUSE, ultra mod unusual.

OFFICES Grant 1005 Market, ror. Renta $30 up. 18SJLots tor Sale, San Francisco A RI NB I LOTS CHOICE SEA CLIFF LOCATIONS PRICED FROM $6,000 UP BRANCH OFFICE 101 30th AVE. OPEN 11 TO 4 BUCK BEE THORNE CO. 151 SUTTER ST.

DO. 5686. $4,750. Lewis R. P.

Reese. Box 305. Menlo Park. Ph. Palo Alto 8333 SACRIFICE new 5 rm.

mod. buns, on Monterey Bay, JO mln. Banta Cms. Prlv. beach; yer 'round.

$760 SOCIAL hall, suitable Whist Club; $65 Westwood Park 6 rms. modern Millbrae low rent. 1866 Geary st. FI. 0085.

JNear Geneva 5 new furnace; level yard. BARGAIN 169 FLATS FOR RENTf FURNISHED THE EXAMINER FREE RENTAL BUREAU, main office. Third and Market conducted by Frances Glad, will be pleased to assist you In finding a suitable room, apartment, flat or borne. Full details of hun eve or Fun. ash.

nSHrj 4351 Fleming ave. 5 rm. Home; fc.ii basem*nt: lot 62x103, sep ger, lnq.2337 F. -Det. 6 fireplace: lot 45x100: $350 down, $30 mo.

1043 104th Oakland. handles. Bm Ex. OFFICE space available, opp. homepianOjJlH MjramarLO.

0774 J00 Lease for yr. 5 rm. 2 story elegantlv unusual comfort and beauty. BA. 73H1.

City of Paris, 213 Stockton. SUNSET FLATS. 2-6 close in; stucco front; hdwd. floors, sep. tile; nr.

cars. A ft REALTY CO llth ave. and Irving st. MO.1030. MISSION" WARM BELT 4-3 rm.

strictly nr Dolores: inc. $160; old folks sell: $13,500. J'lTY REALTY "Mission St. PRESIDIO HEIGHTS FLATS fl rm. and 5 hdw-.

gas flrr. Inc. $75 pr. $6,500, A A REALTY COMPANY. 11TH ST.

All). 1030. TWO FLATS $4,650. 6 and 6 rooms, on car line. Hwd.

200 CALL 913 GENEVA AVE. RESIDENCE STEAL! Thoroughly renovated; 4 bedrooms; hpVdxvood furnace, gar. Open infection st 645 7th ave. WH have ax-allable 2 very desirable Sea Cliff lots. Ideally situated; large Santa Cruz Mountains Real Estate IRVING', 2520 Store, mod.

2 rm. $511. Also store. $35. PK.

74118. $5 0505 rooms, bkfat. room, extra child's room. Very exceptional garden; nice view. Close to school snd to transportation.

Very desirable home. Or would bring good income If you are looking for investment. SU LLBR.X I IJtl ULAN DS Ctl. $2,450. Stucco bungalow.

5 hdwd. MEDA, 48, nr. Balboa HI. 6 r. cot, veryclean GU.

4411 ext. 723. dreds of listings are on Ills. Call or BARGAIN Modern 4 rm. cottage PACIFIC I'EIGHTs CLOSE floors, good district, lot o.

L. Katon, 6620Grove. Oak. 13.975 5 rooms, completely furnished pnone Butter 2424. This s.rvtc.

of course. Is entirely free. YORK, 36 Sunny 4-room rear cot- fronlage, reasonably priced. MILTON MEYER CO. A6JLUTTF.RJIT.

SU. 610O. 13. COTl. 100 ft.

on 11th ave. 11th snd Morasa PELL BEAT, K8TATE CORP. tage. for employed couple. 175 BUILDINGS FOR REJ4T CAN YOU USE estale; light, furniture.

Price Krx- 2 Divlsadero it. HKmlork and social room. $9,360. 240 with bath, fireplace, electric lights, large porch snd cement foundstion for garage. In redwoods six miles from Boulder Creek In San Lorenzo River Tract; nearly an acre of red- up to minute; east Oakland: worth 6-RM, Atherton Barclay ave, James Arnott Son.

633 Taraval S. F. double. Young. JI70 11 thL TE5931.

LAKH MERR1TT district fl" r. FULL PRICE $1,250 all LLP TiLUC. KE. 1818 floors, fine condition. Wide lot.

$19.50 Langton, 238A. bet. Tth-Rth nr. Harrison. Bunny 4's: 2 beds.

$25 POVX 'Eli's 16, off Mission, opp. 28Hi si. Sun 4-rm. middle. $33.50 Broderick, 1701, corT Bush 4 dee, sunny well yard.

xvoods, oak snd madrone: $900 han 4 rooms, on carline; no hills; deepl jcLUSfv 60.000 TO 75 000 SQUARE FEET IN ONE BUILDING ON VAN NESS IK SO WE CAN ARRANGE AN EXCELLENT LEASE FOR A large lot; sacrifice half price; $4,300 NEW SPANISH BUNGALOW bidg. site, Trees. OWNER. Hlgate 7113. fl large hrkfst.

largs gsr. Worth double. $1,476. Box 54063 Ex till, ivejr iouu Market st. dles.

Call or address Dr. F. H. Poote, 473 Seabright Santa Cruz, Calif. Terms.

Owner. 800 larketsL 6 Threes in Mission. Stucco Wsll beds. Garage. $8,500.

Terms. GLOBE REALTY. 2703 Mission St. ATTRACTIVE 8 rm. house.

2 baths; tasteful furnishings, elec. gas furnace; 2 a. with beautiful oaks and fruit tres. Rental reasonable on year lease. Box 263-3B Selhy l.ane.

Ph. Redwood 671.1. Will trade. Owner. BA.

7373. LOVELY 2 bedrm. home; large $275 CASH. View lot, all Bt. impro.

In 555 valentine Oakland. Nr. Lnkevlew, Faxon ave. Mi. 05! Millbrae Highlands lVl'flME houses, one lot Piedmont LONG TERM.

NO PHONE INFORMATION See Mr. Tolfly ave. $4,000. HUmboldt 9813.15-RM. stucco Span, tile; $6,760, 184 SAN FRANCISCO INCOME A r.

1 ll ina. I'Wi'ri. n. $2.500 4 room rustic cabin, com pletely furnished, 3 miles No. Boulder Creek; suitable for all year home.

Over 400 ft. frontage on creek. Plenty redwood trees. Apply owner. FRANK J.

IIOGAN. 143 Second S. F. fl JR. 4', $16,600.

Cash out. Potential rent, $250 mo. 1 1 ,700 loan. 6 K. 8 150.

THIS Is a moneymaker! 65 apts. of 120 Income $1,760 month; PROPERTY TiXrs $4,000 CASH 1387 Paciflc st. 5RMr store, A-l for in- come. $4.500. linker I1O.5800.

Ben Lomond ATTRACTIVE firm. furn. home Screened porch; nicely located Santa Crux nr. swimming pool, shade trees, garage. Rent reas.

By mo or yr. KE. 604(1. 8, l' or Sihord at Ben Lomond, handle beautiful 6-7 rm fists; .1158 26TH NR. FOLPOf.

Unusual opptMission Warm belt, J37.60 Stanyan, opposite Park Sunny, clean 4 steam heat, hot vater, 2 bedrms. Ph. OKdway 4861 S37.50 353 29th ave. 5 rmgj'hdw'. J1 6137 545 6 sunflooded s'jnporch, view.well furn.

600 Valencia St. $45 Grove, 014 Clean 4:3 bdeT Mountain View $4,250 HIGH XV A 4 rm. stucco, oak floors, tile bath, elect, pressure pump. 500 chick, suit. loc.

for autu court. Fischer. Stierlin Ml. Viexv. Time Realty.

1800 Market S. F. STEAM 3 tile baths, key lot, Ven. blinds: $10,000 loan. 6-RM.

stucco, block to Iike; only $5,350. ME. 4100. 8816 Park blvd. Management Co.

$50,000 handles. Gerrieh. GA19378, MARINA" FLATS. Steam beat, elect. refrigeration, modern R.

GROSSMAN, pO3510 WHEW Hot Buy $2,250. flats. LARGE wooded home site fronting San Lorenzo River, $650. Also wooded lots from $300. City water, elec, tel.

BROOK LOMOND, on Highway between Brookdale and Ben Lomond, JUBT COMPLETED Bllngaloxvs De Luxe Built by Arnott. 1868 to 1884 San Jose ave. MARINA BARGAIN. $7.850 5 rma. and social room with bar.

Biggest Marina barg.GA. 1334. MODERN home near park. Iliti loth ave. 4 bedrooms, $0,000, to close estate, $5.500 Well built II room house.

25 ft. frontage, large basem*nt. Real biiy. (iwiier atl310 pierce st. PARKSIDE $3,500, priced to sell.

5-riii. detached home, close to trnnsunndiM houls. Call OV. 4024. BARG.

east of Mission, lovely 6 rm. mod. home, lge. lot: newly renin-. Pr.

$3,750. OV. 4034. CLAIRIO KITGERALD. DO.

S510. 406 Montgomery St. Lafayette SCOTT Marina FLATS. 1 1 3.000 Boulder Creek STRICTLY mod. cabin.

4 did. beds and 4-6 nr. walnut grox-ea, $500. ACREAGE, large or small, with or' IT'S-Jr without improvement: easy terms. $1.360 Furnished cabin on creek.

H. Garrett ft Garrett. Lafayette30: singles. $35: also cabin, 2 dol. beds, $20.

LAkeside 3525. A. Mitchell, REDWOOD GROVE, View. R. Fischer, Stierlin Alt.

Piedmont 177 For Rent With Furniture For Sale ml. N. Boulder Creek. 8. F.

Time Realty, 180(1 Market st. gaa. el. adults. $45 MO.

Valencia, 1100 5-rm. cheetfld.single rms. $10 up. $60 FURN, fist, 3 6218.30 Lake. Camp Meeker nr.

shopping, schools; 2 6's with breakfast good cond. KDWIN C. W1LD. EX. 7340.

REAL INVESTMENT, $6,250 2-4 rm 2-5 rm. flats, vie. Halght-pilimore; excel, fine income. Frank O. Renstrom.

2183 Market. MOD. up to dato cor. apt. house.

12 3s, Pnlk-Larkln dist. Priced for quick sale. Deal direct with owner. Agents do not call. SK.

31 55. OWNER "said get ofier! Store rented. and 6 rm, flat redec. Heart of MIh- alon shop.S 1 17943 jir SK0228. MARINA fl Jr 4s to close estate; $20,000.

terms. Income $365 a mo. Box 64576, Kx. English Estale 8 large marine excel. buy.OL6854.

3-rm. ac. TURK, 1615 Beaut, aunny upper, lower, 11-rm. flat, new furn. Barg.

I lm. catans; mod. 8. Armstrong. BEST buy In Piedmont! 6 rms lovely $65 Iease my beaut.

6-rm, sunny low bar new 6 3-RM. apt beautiful furniture: must BRAND Boulder Creek 3 RM. house, modern, partly furnished; caretsker's csbin, garage; approximately 1 acres, garden and fruit trees. Show place of Bou'der Creek: priced to close estate: terms. C.

H. Hlttenberger. 1117 Market S. F. Fairfax Palo Alto SEE US FOR NEW HOMES, HARE.

BREWER ft CLARK, TNi. 639 Ramonallealtors, 1 ACRE, fl rm. dwelling, dbl. elec. pump, plant, chick, $5,800.

John Huss. 1915 University sve. 1 blk. '8. F.

trains. TE. 9610, Richmond be sacrificed; includes rose mahog. rumpus. 1940 design, laat xvord 1n finish, location.

Williams. OR. 3255 er, nice garden; A-l shape; best loc; "l-i1 26 Geary. SK. 1225.

$75 27TH 444 6 rni7upvr twin radio, garEV. 642'J any bedroom set, old English davenport, cor, cupboard. OK. 4696. nr.

station. 1 blk. shop. dist. San Anselmo 43 1 4-.

I. JUST completed, mod, 4 rm. snd dinette. $3,600. easy terms, lot 5(ix 100.

945 33rd St. 106O.I. 5 LOVELY rooms, detached: close to Lincoln way. G. O.

Park, stores. Ill- news compels sale. MO. 7003. INGLESIDE'B hottest bargain.

7-rm i in nn neaut. furn. rms. Redwood City MOD. 8 rm.

open aetwant elec. gas, dbl. gar pool. 150' front; accom, 13 $3,500. TEmn.

830H or Sun. Boulder Creek 110M. anaujnporcngarden. gar. Reas.

ISO HOMES FOR SALE, SAN FRANCISCO $6.000 APT, bargain. 4 apta. Guerrero nr. 30th; furnished or unfur. nished: wonderful opportunity.

Cot-trell's Loan HEm. KIOO. SNAP Flats, 3-4 rooms: perfect condition: heat: 3-car garage; Richmond 7th nr. Q. O.

park: 4 car lines; Under $7,000. OV. 1711 REAL BARGAIN. 17TH .3565. nr.

Dolores bunny 3 bedrms. 1 gar. 2-car; price $11,500, DO. 2758 or UN. 7372.

GIVE me an offer: 4 flats, 2 4s, 2 6s; lot gar. space for 10 rars.1035 Oak. UNd. 1301. 12-ROOM home; $400 $4(i mo.

Pr. 93,800. Vic. Fell-Cough. Handy maiVs oppor.for big lnc.FI.

1300. REAL VALUE -43 rm. $107- 000! 12-2s. Polk, st $14,500: fi flats, OIt.3lno 2 FLATS vie. Brdwy.

and Jones. Full pr. $4,250. Easy trms. 1287Parifir, 13 nr.

Polk: $5,000 down, bal. bk. loan. Box 65644. Kx.

"BEST climate 8772 sets' mod. 4-3's; fine locstion. A buy. 30 Dorland. ntreiy rurn.

3 rm. flat; hdwd. firs THEY'RE ultra ultra those new Ben Healdsburg ON river; 4 rms. and bath, 1 porch, aJsoleeplngporch.FI.4(158. Menlo Paik $160 one year lease; beautiful new six rm, home, elegantlv fur-tllvned; close to Stanford Tll-nl Liebman omes 142-153 20th ave LOVELY Ashbury Hgts.

mod. home, 4 bedrms. Beautiful view. Pr. $5,600.

15 acres. 4-rm. house: $5,000. Dr. Harris, RossHosP.

San Raf. 3000 $250 5-r. home, west of highway; lot 80x137; price $2,750. $35 per mo. LEONARD REALTY 1183 MARKET ST.

HEM. 6020. 2038 BROADWAY. REDWOOD 363. $4,800 New artistic 6-rm.

stucco home. Walking distance to depot. Lawn front and hack. F1IA terms. 170 FLATS FOR RENT) UNFURNISHED FOREST HILL 4 bedrms.

2 baths. New bk. mtg. 983 Clyton. I.P.

1645 Marin County Real Estate 201 Sacrifice. XV. Laurence. Hearst Bidg MODERN 6-rm. house, only on 25x125 lot.

71 Marslon at. Baltimore Park 'e nunny lower SS outside rooms. College and Sacred Heart Academy Berkeley COMMANDING LOCATION. GOLDEN' GATE VIEW LOTS Exc. loan value.

Restricted residence. $1,000, (Comparable to many twice the moneyl. On Hopkins and Ada sts, 839 55lh Oak. OL.2050 QUICK sale Desirable At'dmore Kensington Parkreas. GArf.

7231 Kilkare Woods OWNER save sell new 6-rm. cor. hung. Mod. $5,450.

Act now. OV. 5831 $4,000, $600" cash required 6 rms" cares for gsrrien. See own PbJn; 12th $20 17TH 4380. Upper renovated Haefler Chappie, amino, jo nflO cash 3 rnis partly lge.

rhool. station. Redwood FLAT to lease, Broadway, City. Ph. .1 nil house lot 50x145: 5 nun.

walk i lot. rinse to and nsth. carage: uoth near 18 Carl. nr. Clavton; heater; $35.

jjarawood, atove, linoleum Wonderful buy, 2-5 rm, stucco flats, 3rd splendid condition. OV.2201.j FLATS 7 rms. upper and 6 with 4 rm cottage In real Individual entrance: make best cash offer, Box 69739 Ex. SACRIFICE flats snd penthouse; Income $105: price newly renovated, furnished; ocean view, 4738 Ilnlhoa nr. 48th sx-e.

1 sal. 1607 INC. $126 mo. Seven mod furn. Sac.

$8,500, terms 6 rms. redec. modern, beaut, view VA Sea Cliff. DOuglas 4430 to Henot. terms.

5 rms aunny, clean, near of mt Inree lot; close to school Marin SUNNY 5 rm. and breakfast rm. ennra, csrs. warm belt. HE.

6K76. $5,000 BUYS 8 mtg. $3,500 Income $150. 287 Wsvne. Oakland OPEN fnr Inspection, nexv 5 rm patio, ('ayuaa nr.

San Ter. CRUlMl ft H1WAT. ARISTOCRATIC modern 7-rm. home Best loc. in Redwod City.

$12,500 Teslurk fn 2076 Slitter, 8. F. 405 Haxelwood ave.DE. 6620. DIFFERENT I New! Reasonable.

Mod B. VPINGIiEK. Cnrte Madera, (This classlf lentinn continued en next page.l "oII 4 LOVELY carpet, lino. Nice Mg downtown. E80 6th st.

15. oil! 0 rm. home, good inc. Noe "ROOM furnished 87 Bridge Road, Bal' use. bath.

'Ts Park. 4s: marine vw.i steam ht.J large WOODS Wooded lot $150. slwsvs full. GA. 4438 Rnhrer, Hopkins.

Oak. A N.l 7 4 1 6 rm. stsll sh. 1574 44th sve, nr. inn; mi virtn..

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


What happened to SF examiner? ›

Clint Reilly acquisition

In December 2020, Clint Reilly, under his company, Clint Reilly Communications, acquired the SF Examiner for an undisclosed sum. The acquisition included buying the SF Weekly "like a stocking stuffer," Reilly said. He also owns Gentry Magazine and the Nob Hill Gazette.

What is the main newspaper in San Francisco? ›

The San Francisco Chronicle is the largest newspaper in Northern California, the second largest on the West Coast, and each month reaches over 6 million users across the country.

Who purchased the San Francisco examiner in 1887? ›

William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) launched his career by taking charge of his father's struggling newspaper the San Francisco Examiner in 1887.

Who owned the SF examiner? ›

In 2004, the Fangs sold The Examiner and its printing plant to the Clarity Media Group. Clarity sold The Examiner to Black Press Group in 2011. In January 2021, Clint Reilly Communications, which owns the Nob Hill Gazette, announced its purchase of The Examiner.

What happened at the San Francisco Armory? ›

After sitting empty for years, the Armory was famously purchased by the San Francisco-based internet p*rnography producer in 2006 for $14.5 million — earning the building the nickname "Kink Castle," a moniker which is still inextricably tied and bound to the structure — who used the cavernous space for, ahem, ...

Why did Stripe leave SF? ›

Stripe said the city's lack of office space was the primary reason for the move, with the vacancy rate below 5% downtown. Stripe's new home at Kilroy Oyster Point in South San Francisco has a total of 2.5 million square feet of approved space, giving Stripe plenty of room to expand further.

Does the Hearst family still have money? ›

Named one of America's richest families by Forbes in 2020, legacy media's Hearst family has a net worth of $21 billion. 7 Hearst Corp., founded by William Randolph Hearst in 1887, owns magazines and newspapers such as Harper's Bazaar, Esquire, and the San Francisco Chronicle.

Can the Hearst family still use the castle? ›

In 1957, the Hearst Corporation donated the estate to the State of California and it's been operated by the State as a museum ever since. One of the conditions of the donation was that the Hearst family still have access to the property for personal use at their discretion.

How much was William Randolph Hearst worth when he died? ›

His life and career are a conspicuous part of the history of our times.” William Randolph Hearst's will was filed for probate in Superior Court late yesterday but a few hours after his death, disposing of an estate generally believed to be worth about $200,000,000.

Who was the last Republican SF supervisor? ›

John Barbagelata (March 29, 1919 – March 19, 1994) was a San Francisco City Supervisor and 1975 mayoral candidate, when he narrowly lost to George Moscone. He was also the owner of a local real estate firm. As of 2020, he was the last Republican to be elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, in 1973.

Who bought the San Francisco Armory? ›

SF Armory LLC (2018–present)

In January 2018, the building was sold for $65 million to SF Armory LLC, an affiliate of the Chicago-based investment company AJ Capital Partners. The new owner stated it was planning to convert the building's top two floors to office space and to lease the rest to manufacturing companies.

What happened to a striker in San Francisco? ›

San Francisco would become the scene of the strike's most dramatic and widely known incidents, aptly described in one headline as “War in San Francisco!” On Bloody Thursday, July 5, 1934, two strikers were killed by the San Francisco police.

What happened to Fidm SF? ›

As part of an ongoing effort to cut its operating budget, FIDM closed its three satellite campuses between 2020 and 2021, which the accrediting agency said contributed to the institution's enrollment declines.

What happened to curbed SF? ›

Curbed SF Is Closing

Head to — soon to be part of the New York Magazine family — for must-read stories on S.F., Silicon Valley, the East Bay, and beyond.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.