Palm Reading - How to Read Palm lines - A Full Guide to Palmistry (2024)

Palm Reading

Palm Reading - How to Read Palm lines - A Full Guide to Palmistry (1)

Palmistry with the meaning of palm reading or hand prediction is to learn a person’s personalities, fortune and future by analyzing his/her hands. It is also called Chiromancy. In fact, palmistry not only refers to the reading of one’s hand or palm, it also includes the reading of arm, finger and fingernail. By reading one’s palm lines, hand shape and size, finger's length and flexibility, fingernail…, a person's character traits, health, wealth, wisdom, career, marriage and many more aspects can be predicted.

Major and Minor Lines to Read

How to read your palm? It starts from the reading of palm lines. Palm line reading is the most important part of palmistry. People‘s hand lines usually reveal individual personality and character traits. In palmistry, there are mainly three major lines to read which are Life Line, Head Line and Heart Line, and also many minor need to be read.

Life Line Head Line Heart Line Marriage line Fate Line Sun Line Children Line Money Line Health Line

Life Line Head line Heart line Marriage line Fate line Sun line Children Line Money Line Health Line Travel Line Bracelet Line Line of Mars Ring of Solomon Ring of Saturn Girdle of Venus Ring of Apollo Ring of Mercury

Which Hand to Read?

Before reading your palm, you should choose the right hand to read. There are different schools of thought on this matter. Some people think the right for female and left for male. As a matter of fact, both of your hands play great importance in hand reading. But one is dominant and the other is passive. The left hand usually represents what you were born with physically and materially and the right hand represents what you become after grown up. So, the right hand is dominant in palm reading and the left for supplement.
Which Hand to Read for Male and Female in Palmistry, Left or Right?

Meanings of Special Marks on Palm

Palm Reading - How to Read Palm lines - A Full Guide to Palmistry (11)

Markings and symbols in palm have meanings that can be distinguished independently. Some symbols are very destructive, such as stars, islands, chains, spots, etc.; some usually have good meanings, such as triangle and square. Besides considering the marks’ location, their meanings should also be interpreted by reading other lines or mounts around.





'#' Sign(井)

Grille(▨)(Net Sign)

Moles on Hand Spot or Moles on Lines in Palm Spot or Moles on Heart Line 'M' Sign on Palm '川' Palm in Palmistry Bad Signs in Hand Auspicious Signs and Symbols in Palmistry

Palmistry Mounts

Mounts, which are bumps of flesh on your palm play a very important role in palm reading. According to the Chinese palmistry, there are seven mounts for a person with each named after a planet and stands for different characters. Also, the features of the planets are revealed in the corresponding mounts.

Learn to read the seven mounts of the palm and get to know their locations, meanings, and significances by clicking the following links:
Palmistry Mounts How to Know If You Are Healthy Through Checking the Palm Mounts?

Read Your Hands

Hand Types, Size and Colors:What Type of Hand Do You Have? What Does the Size of Your Hand Say about You? What Do Your Hands Color Say about Your Health and Destiny?

Palm Reading - How to Read Palm lines - A Full Guide to Palmistry (13)

Finger Palmistry: From the perspective of the Five Elements in Chinese Astrology, each of the five fingers has a mystery and significance, and the length, shape, spaces, knuckles, and moistening of the fingers evem the fingerprints and fingernail's shape can reveal the fate.
What Does Each Finger Represent? Fingers' Length Meanings and Personality The Ring Finger and the Index Finger, Which Is Longer to You? Space Between Fingers in Palmistry Knuckles Size and Length Meanings People With Thick Knuckles Have A Harder Life Than People With Thin Knuckles? What Does Your Fingerprint Say about You? Fingernail Shape and Personality Fingernail Lunula Meaning and Health

Origin of Palmistry

The palmistry has its roots in Indian, Chinese astrology as well as Roma fortune-telling. From the ancient remaining record of the frescoes in ruins of India and words passed down from Brahmanism, we can find palmistry was very popular in India at that time. In China, palmistry also has a long history. Since the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC) which is about three thousand years ago, it has been prevailed. The first comparatively complete and systematic palmistry work in China appeared in Western Han Dynasty (202 BC - 9 AD) which was written by Xu Fu.

Kind Notice:
The palm lines are usually not fixed. It changes as you get older or you experience more and more. Whether you could have a good future, a happy marriage, a good job, a perfect health condition... is not solely decided by the palm lines. It mostly needs your own effort and wisdom. Keep a positive outlook on life, learn more about how to relate to other people well, and develop a good personality are what you should pay much attention to.

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Palm Reading - How to Read Palm lines - A Full Guide to Palmistry (14)

Can the Length of the Life Line Predict Longevity?

At present, there is a misconception that if the life line is long, the person's life will be long and vice versa. Can the length of the life line predict longevity?

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Lastest Questions and Answers

Squares on mount venus (0 Reply )Asked by Z***k

Mount of venus is well developed and healthy but there are so many lines comin from thumb and lower side and they form so many squares , also have squares under the index finger , a square and a triangle under middle finger , a star and triangles under ring finger , luck line has a diamond at base , haves a money triangle , haves a good health line , and a fame line , haves a square on mount of luna , and a trident at the base and top of luck line , but these squares on mount venus are a confusion , can u please elaborate what it would mean

health line doesnt reach head line (1 Reply )Asked by a***3

It looks like i have The Lucky Triangle, where my health line joins with life line and ends there BUT doesnt touch/reach the head line, what does that mean?

Marriage Line (1 Reply )Asked by A***n

I can't find any marriage lines that are similar to my palm. My line palm on the right hand is forked at the beginning, which is not Y but V, and there's another line, that's X which is connected with the V.

Is my marriage possible to my boyfriend? (0 Reply )Asked by S***h

Boy: harsh*t tiwari, dob 26/10/1998 In boy right hand there is no marriage line and in left hand one marrige line between the heart line and little finger Girl:shreya singh dob 15/08/1998 In girl right hand there are two marriage line one is near little finger and one is near heart line and in left hand there are four line two line near heart line are downward but not touching third one near index finger are broken and fourth last one closest to littile finger is forked in starting Can you tell me is it possible to marry my boyfriend

Life line and mind line (0 Reply )Asked by J***o

What's the meaning of the line joining life line and the mind line making triangle with the fate line

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Palm Reading - How to Read Palm lines - A Full Guide to Palmistry (2024)


Which palm to read for females? ›

Which palms should you read? Though opinions vary, many modern readers believe it's important to analyze both the left and right hands: The non-dominant hand reveals natural personality and character, while the dominant hand shows how these traits have been actualized in practice.

Is there a free Palm Reading app? › launches free Palm Reading app on your android phone. Based on the lines on your palm, know what fate has in store for you.

Which palm should you read? ›

Your dominant (right, for most people) will show your present personality and achievements / use of talents - like a snapshot of where you're at right now and what your future might be, and your passive hand (left, for most people) will reveal the potential you were born with - a snapshot of where you started, your ...

What is the wealth line on a woman's palm? ›

It usually starts from the base of the palm, near the wrist, and ascends vertically towards the middle or index finger. A strong, clear Fate Line suggests a focused and determined approach to wealth accumulation, while a weak or fragmented line may indicate fluctuations or challenges in financial matters.

What are the lucky signs on your palm? ›

4 signs on your hand that indicate you are lucky, as per palmistry
  • The Mount of Jupiter. Located at the base of the index finger, the Mount of Jupiter is associated with success. ...
  • The Sun Line (fame and recognition) ...
  • The Money Triangle. ...
  • The Mystic Cross.
Feb 2, 2024

Do palm lines change with age? ›

The lines deepen and change somewhat during one's lifetime; new lines appear as well, but the basic lines mentioned above are quite easily read at no matter what age.

What do the lines on your palm tell you? ›

A clear and well-defined fate line suggests a clear sense of purpose and drive for success. A faint or fragmented fate line may indicate a more fluid and adaptable approach to career choices. A deep fate line may signify a strong external influence or a significant life event that shapes one's destiny.

What is the life line of death in palmistry? ›

In the theory of palmistry the length of life line in hand refers to longevity of a person. The life line extends from the corner of the palm above the thumb and travels towards the wrist in an arc. This lifeline in both hands were measured in all ages and compared with the actual life span of the deceased.

What does the M on your palm mean spiritually? ›

What does an "M" on your palm mean? "When the head line, heart line, life line, and fate line connect, it can create the look of an "M" and means you are blessed with good fortune," White says. "It's also a sign of strong intuition and creativity, as well as determination and career growth."

What does a broken lifeline mean? ›

Even then, if the break is assisted by a supporting parallel life line, the break is merely a shearing in the line, which can indicate a change in the direction and quality of life, perhaps resulting from a radical change in life circ*mstances.

How to read palms for love? ›

Check out your relationship line(s)
  1. A deep, straight line reflects a long lasting and strong union. ...
  2. A line which dips downwards suggests a bullying or domineering partner.
  3. A line which turns upwards suggests a partner who is rich or successful.
  4. A fork at the end of the line predicts a relationship with a sudden ending.
Mar 19, 2024

Which hand is for receiving money for females? ›

In the west, we believe that the left hand is for receiving and the right hand is for giving (thus for earning or losing money).

Is the marriage line on your palm left or right? ›

Your heart line is the topmost long line running underneath your fingers, and your marriage line is a short line directly above it, right below the base of your little finger. According to some traditions, the right hand is read for women, and the left hand is read for men.

How do you read your palm in a relationship? ›

Check out your relationship line(s)
  1. A deep, straight line reflects a long lasting and strong union. ...
  2. A line which dips downwards suggests a bullying or domineering partner.
  3. A line which turns upwards suggests a partner who is rich or successful.
  4. A fork at the end of the line predicts a relationship with a sudden ending.
Mar 19, 2024

Which is the dominant hand? ›

What is a dominant hand? Your dominant hand is the hand that you're more likely to use when you're doing fine motor tasks like writing, brushing your teeth, or catching a ball. When people say they are right-handed, they're saying that their right hand is dominant.

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